Class went like normal , when it's 3rd period a boy went across my classroom that catch my eyes . His feature the way he walk really catch my eyes . It's like someone I beloved but maybe it wasn't my luck I can't see his face not even his eyes .

" Mrs. Lee are you in my class or your soul now traveling to the China or what ? " I looked at the teacher in terrified way afraid of getting scolded .

" I'm sorry saem "


Day by day a same dream kept haunted me at night . Insomnia was a perfect word for my situation . I don't know why but it just a person that once I ever loved . Why it makes me become a nightmare . Why I can't fight this dream .

It's finally winter , and the time for a school holidays . It just been a while but I can't just stay at home . Winter wasn't my favorite season I hope it goes by but there's a lot of precious memories in the winter that I can't lose it .

Today is the first day that I got a perfect sleep but that still isn't my luck I woke up early today , I hate the fact that I can't go back to sleep once I woke up . So I decided to go for a morning walk to lose some energy so I can go back to sleep.

I wonder around the street than saw a small park right beside the side road that was the main attraction on spring since the cherry blossom blooms across the park .

I sat on the cold bench that reminds me of the precious memories it wasn't the ordinary bench along the others it was something else. There's a big , old tree of cherry blossom tree now there's no leaves you can see but once it spring this tree is the main attraction .


It's 20 december , winter . I had a big fight with mom it's near Christmas I think of beg for her forgiveness this Christmas . Huh , why this life is sucks .

A small footsteps approaching me from behind but I ignore it , it's not like they would disturb me . Then a small voice talked to me .

" Is anyone sitting here ? " He asked me and I just shake my head and he take a seat beside me . My eyes are looked around are other bench full of people , but no there's only us here.

" Why you choose to sit here , when there are most empty bench around here ? " I asked but didn't think twice beforehand . " Ouh , if there's someone to sit beside it would be more warm . But you seem uncomfortable with me , it's okay I can find other spots to sit on "

He stood up before he can walked I grabbed his wrist " no , it's okay just sit here I also alone . No need to worry " he just nodded and Scott over his seat . I just can cracked a small smile 'cause I find it so adorable .

" Urrmm ,, what's your name I'm sorry if you felt like so sudden but I can't handle the silence any more " he surrender with the silence I bought front . I wasn't really a social butterfly so I can't start a conversation .

" It's okay it's also my fault just kept quiet this whole time . My name is Lee Minho , just called me Minho Hyung " I smile while he gave back the weird look at me .

" Why ?! " I shout loudly that could hurt his ear by how loud is it . Maybe I seem like a social anxiety person but once you open a conversation with me I just can be like your bestie that you met 10 years ago . " Why do I need to called you Hyung you aren't my Hyung "

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