Said first year felt the hairs on his back stand up, and tried not to squeak when he realized the harsh gaze of that 'stunning, injured girl sitting next to coach'.

"I try not to," Ai says, finally answering Kurosu. "I'm off the court for a year minimum. I'd rather not waste precious time moping around and feeling bad for myself."

"Y'know, just 'cause ya can't physically be on the court right now doesn't mean ya can't be a part of volleyball period. I'm aware that yer a brand new fox and all, have yer studies to worry about... But we've been without a manager, and a knowledgable one at that, for years."

Ai bit her tongue, preventing herself from commenting on Kurosu's lousy persuasion techniques. However, when she responded, her tone was still tart.

"I've gathered that, but I have a feeling your team doesn't have one for good reason."

Kurosu chuckles, even further amused by Ai. He had a good feeling about her—if only he, or some of his players, could convince Ai to join the team as their manager. "What makes you think that, Kimura-san?"

Ai deadpans at Kurosu for the second time that day, unable to help the tart tone that comes out of her mouth once more, "Did you not see their faces when you first mentioned it? Particularly Osamu's brother? It's like he was constipated or something just from the mere mention."

The twins weren't exactly trying to eavesdrop, but their ears grew comically large as soon as Ai made mention of them, creating two tremendously chaotic reactions. The first was Osamu's, who broke out into snorting laughter and tauntful snickering. Meanwhile, Atsumu visibly reddened—he looked like he was about to combust then and there.

"Oi!" He screamed out, stomping a few steps toward Ai. "Why don't ya say that to my face!"

Ai stares at Atsumu, and her lack of expression sans the raised eyebrows and bored look in her eyes irritates him all the further. However, before he can shout some more, Ai presses her lips into a fine line and says, "Alright then. You looked constipated earlier."


"It seems as if you have a lot of energy today, Atsumu. Settle down before I give you a couple dozen laps to run." Kita orders cooly, coming to Ai's rescue (and for once, she doesn't mind).

Atsumu could only pale at his captain before he jogged back to his spot and resumed his drills.

Kurosu can't help but let out a chuckle—he personally never had to step in when Atsumu was recklessly going off or picking fights, as Kita always handled it well, but this was the first time the head coach saw someone else handle the blonde so impeccably.

"Not many find themselves able to speak to Atsumu like that," Kurosu nods toward the boy in question and adds, "Ya really should think about the position, Kimura-san."

"Trust me, I get that everyone around here is volleyball-obsessed, but my life doesn't revolve around it..." Ai said, adding in a much more hushed tone, "At least, not anymore." Resuming at her normal volume, Ai finishes and says, "I have other passions too."

Kurosu pretended he didn't hear her whispered pain, only asking, "Like what?"

With a mild eye-roll and a sigh, Ai side-eyed Kurosu, not understanding why he cared so much. As far as she was concerned, they could find a manager anywhere. Lord knows this school was large enough for the team to get their pick of the litter. Still, she felt the need to answer Kurosu—Ai wasn't aware of why or how, but there was something about him that felt like an uncle she could talk to about almost anything.

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