Revenge or Acceptance? Part One.

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(A/N I am skipping kakashi's test as well as the d rank missions. Oh and another thing I am going to change up sasuke attitude a bit make him less grumpy and power hungry for now anyway and Sakura won't be a total fan girl when on missions and can hold her own with in situations. If you have any tips let me know.)

Walking to the meeting point that the cyclops gave us to be at for team meetings I was having a weird feeling like something would happen today, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

As I make it to the bridge that is our meeting point I just sigh as Sakura was trying to get a date out of Sasuke again.

"She really needs to focus more on training than boys." I thought to myself as I lean against the railing and look at the early morning sky.

Three hours later

"Sup." Kakashi says with two finger salute and his signature eye smile.

"Sensei you're late!" Sakura screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Damn Sakura are you trying to wake the dead? And he isn't late we were just early isn't that right sensei?" I ask lazily since I know how he works thanks to reliable sources.

Kakashi just eye smiles and ignores the question to get to why we are meeting.
"So we have our first C-rank mission and we will be heading to Wave Country." Kakshi said as he handed out copies of the mission scroll for us to look at.

"So just an easy escort mission?" I ask but the feeling I have been feeling all morning became worse as Kakshi just nods. "Be at the north gate in 30 minutes." Kakshi said as he shunshined away.

Seven hours later on the road to Wave after dealing with the demon brothers.

While walking I hear something whistling through the air.
"Everyone down!" I yell and I drop to the ground but I couldn't help but notice the sword fly above me in slow motion.


"Please Zabuzu don't kill us! We didn't do anything! Please we will leave just spare u......"
The begging of a male and female were cut off as their heads left their bodies.

Flashback end

I immediately stand and look at the sword that killed my mother and father and I growled as my anger started to boil over.

"You! You will pay!" I say immediately summoning my strongest beasts and using wood and ice style together trying to kill this man as fast and painful as possible.

The unknown man grabs his sword and cuts through my jutsu and laughs.

"Hmm do I know you?" He asks.

But before I could rush in I was grabbed and calmed down almost immediately not wanting to let my emotions control me.l and takes a few deep breaths.

"Sorry Kakashi, I let my anger get the better of me." I apologized. It's okay, but how do you know Zabuza?" He asked "It's not him I know it's that sword. As you know I am a refuge from kiri but what you don't know is why. And it's because at the beginning of the bloodline purge my parents were killed by that blade after begging for mercy they lost their heads. I had witnessed it as I was in the closet behind them as they hid me from those that killed mama and papa." I finish as I glare at the sword as hoping it would burn from my glare alone.

After hearing this Zabuza held his head down for a moment hiding the one tear that escaped his eyes. "So there was someone left in that house after all." He said his head still facing the ground.

(A/N should I kill zabuza and Haku, or kill Zabuza and spare Haku, or spare both? I'll let you decide.)

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