Jordan Eberle Imagine

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Authors Note: I got bored and thought I'd update another imagine for you guys. I don't get a lot of reads usually but this ones for you guys. :) This one's also old and I felt like Jordan would be a hiking type of guy. xD Enjoy!

Imagine your going on a hike with your best friend Jordan. You've drove out to a hiking point and are walking along the trail. You've created a game to make the hike a bit funner. Your looking for animals to write down on your pad of paper and whoeverii gets the most intresting animals wins. So far you only have; Blue Jay, Chipmunk, Squirrel, Chickadee, and Sparrow. You write down 'Garden Snake' as you scream and walk around it. Jordan laughs as he walks behind you stepping over the snake. Jordan catches up to you as you both hear rustling behind a bush. What comes waddling out surprises you both as you run you quickly jot down 'Skunk'. You see Jordan in front of you start to slow down so you slow down into a jog. Before you know it your falling face first onto the ground.

Jordan turns around " Y/N are you okay?" he asks.

You sit up and nod. "Haha okay let me help you up."

He offers his hand and as you grab it and stand you feel pain in your ankle. Your not one to complain so you think you can just walk it off. You start walking but the pain isn't going away. You don't want Jordan to notice your pain so you ask if you can rest for awhile because of the running.

"Sure Y/N." he says.

You smile and before you have a chance to say anything You feel Jordan's lips on yours.

He pulls back suddenly " Sorry..sorry..." He looks down at the ground.

" Jordan you don't have to say sorry." He looks up at you with careful eyes.

" I..I don't?"

"Jordan that just proves that what I thought was true. You really like me. Don't you?" you ask him.

" Y/N, I've liked you for so long but I didn't want to ruin our friendship with a relationship besides I didn't think you liked me back" he told you.

You just relized a few weeks ago you had feelings for Jordan. You found out one day when Jordan almost spilled his feelings for you.

"Jordan...I love you..." You looked up at him as he kissed you again. This time he didn't pull away. You both stood up and that's when you remembered your ankle hurt like hell. This time I guess your face didn't hide the pain.

" Y/N! What's wrong?" Jordan asked concerned.

"Hmm? What? Nothings wrong." you lied, How much that didn't feel right you didn't want Jordan to worry.

"Tell me Y/N, I can tell your in pain." Well now you have to tell him.

"It's my ankle..But I'm fine it's not that bad" you smiled as you said this to make sure he believed you. You started walking trying to hide your limp. You felt an arm around your waist and another under your arm. You turned your head as Jordan lifted you up and carried you the rest of the way back to the car. Turns out you only sprained your ankle but Jordan treated you like a Queen as you recovered. That's when you and Jordan's relationship started. :)

Jordan Eberle ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now