cheater? liar? truth?

Depuis le début

"Me please, i'm sorry i don't want anyone touching me right now."

"Nope don't apologize, it's not your fault Pip." Ravi says while she puts on the hoodie.

"Thank you Ravi, I love you."

"I love you more."

"Wait Ravi."


"Cara is in town visiting remember she was supposed to come to night but then ended up flying in late, she can bring me clothes."

"Okay i'll text her right now." Ravi said, though he thought it would be a better idea to have one of her college friends bring her clothes but didn't feel like telling her that. He just wanted her to be okay.

texts between Cara and Ravi

Ravi: hey cara, i'm at this house (address) can you bring pip clothes? like asap.

Cara: yes ofc! i'll come right away, is she okay?

Ravi: not really, i don't think she would want me to tell you because she can barley tell me.

Cara: okay, that's fine, i'll be there in five minutes.

Ravi: thank you sm.

end of texts

"Okay baby, she's gonna be here in five minutes or so."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Pip screamed. It was silent for a few moments and Ravi was just shocked, not upset, "I'm sorry i didn't mean to lash out it's just it's what he kept calling me."

"Don't apologize Pip, i won't call you it."

Cara comes into the room with some clothes for Pip and some water, "Hey Pip, i brought you clothes and water."

"Thank you Cara."

"Of course, are you okay?"

"No, but i will be. Can you guys get turned around so i can get dressed?"

"Yeah." Ravi and Cara said simoltainouly.

Pip gets dressed and Cara asks her if she could lift her up to help her get in the bed and Pip says yes.

"I need to tell you guys what happened and i need you guys to record what i'm saying in case i forget anything tomorrow morning. We need to report this, not that they'll believe me anyways, but maybe New York is different than Fairview." Pip said starting to cry again.

"Pip are you sure?" Ravi asked going onto the bed next to her.

"Yeah, Cara just sit down wherever and do the voice memo app."

"Got it,"

Cara hits record and Pip begins to speak, "So i think Ravi was outside or playing pool and this dude, Mitchell, grabbed my arm and pulled me up to this room. I kept yelling stop and that i had a boyfriend and that i didn't like him but he just kept saying i was asking for it with the dress i was wearing."

(it was a short spaghetti strap black dress)

"So that's what that whore meant when he said that to me?" Ravi said.

Pip just nodded and continued before she couldn't speak at all, "Uhm and then when we were in here he sat me down on the floor and just unzipped my dress, i kept begging for him to stop but he wouldn't. He just put his hand over my mouth. He then took off his pants and shoved his dick in my mouth and told me that i was asking for it with my dress and to enjoy it. It was so gross and he wouldn't let me scream everytime i tried to he would buck his hips so they would hit my face."

That's when Ravi and Cara realized that's what the bruises all over her face were from.

"Pip i'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that." Ravi said to her softly. Not touching her in anyway like he normally does to try and keep her comfortable.

"I'm just going to try and finish saying what happened before i lose it and can't speak, uhm so everything happend on the floor which was really weird. But then he lifted me up off of him and laid me down on the floor he unzipped my dress and took off my bra and underwear. All while my mouth was covered by his hand so i couldn't scream. He started sucking and playing with my boobs. He then like stuck his sick inside me and made me finish over him twice, then he made me ride his thigh. I was a toy a literal sex toy why did he do this it isn't fair!"

"Hey Pip look at me," Ravi said gently, "You are so many GOOD things, and toy is not and never will be of them. Mitchell is a fucking asshole for doing that and i want him dead and he deserves to be."

"Thank you Ravi, and i'm sorry you had-"

"I'm not gonna let you apologize for something that wasn't your fault."

Pip just softly smiled and continued again.

"While i was riding his thigh he kept telling me to cum all over his thigh and make a mess which was gross. I was trying to say i can't and scream it but for some reason i moaned it instead, which i wasn't enjoying it at all. And then that's when Ravi walked in and then the rest is irrelevant because Mitchell left the room." Pip says now letting all her tears free and falling into Ravi's lap. Cara came and sat next to her stroking her hair.

"Pip i'm so sorry, i will fuck Mitchell up if he is still here." Cara said to her.

"And i'll help." Ravi said.

"I love you guys, thank you for caring so much. But i'm still so upset, i wanted my first time to be with Ravi, not taken away from me."

"Hey Pip, listen to me, this was not your first time. Your first time will be whenever you are ready and consent to it." Ravi said to her softly.

"Thank you Ravi. And thank you too Cara."

this took forever to write but i genuinely love it so much

agggtm one shots!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant