Blood In The Ocean For Sharks

Start from the beginning

"Is there anything you aren't good at?" Huening Kai asked, watching as Jungwon turned over the flop, revealing a 9 of spades, king of diamonds, and 5 of clubs.

"Mmm, probably my impulse control."

The entire room broke out in laughter, clearly all in agreement.

Changbin turned to the next page, reading the next report, as he began typing his summary notes on the computer.  "Fuck." He muttered under his breath, processing what he just read.

'Police were called to the scene after multiple reports of gunshots in the area. Upon arrival, responders discovered Choi Gyu Shin (40y), wife Woo Si Yoon (38y), and children Choi Dung Ho (10y), Choi Ji Yeong (6y), Choi Beom Eun (2y), Choi Chun Ha (8m) deceased. All victims were killed execution style, gunshot wound in the middle of the forehead, close proximity. Based on evidence, it is believed the victims were killed in order from oldest to youngest.'

"Hm?" Chan asked from his place across from Changbin, going through emails. He was in contact with a lot of people to know the locations of most of his enemies, Jung Son included.

"He initiated a hit on this guy- and permitted if anyone was home to take care of them too. Execution style on the whole family, starting with the dad and ending with the 8 month old." Changbin replied, his voice cracking as he felt emotional at the thought.

"That's why we aren't going to let him keep getting away with things." Chan assured, flashing a sad smile. He knew that crimes against children hit Changbin especially hard. It definitely bothered Chan, but Changbin had seen so many terrible childhoods, knew how it followed people, affected them for life, that he was consumed with sorrow if he learned of any crime against children.

As Changbin inhaled through clenched teeth, there was a hiss. "An 8 month old wouldn't have been a witness! Like– damn, I know I'm not fond of the foster system but my God, that baby didn't have to die." He cleared his throat aggressively to hold back from crying, "And if they are right and they were killed in that order, fuck, man, those kids' last moments..."

Standing up, Chan walked over to Lino's table, grabbing something from the drawer, returning and holding it out to the younger. "Do you want to go have a smoke, Binnie?"

Changbin stared at the blunt, blinking. "Yeah." He sighed, standing and making his way to the roof access door, followed by Chan who rarely joined the smoke sessions.

Letting the wind blow through his hair as the smoke filled his lungs, Changbin blinked away the tears that wanted to fill his eyes. After a few passes back and forth of the joint, Changbin felt a sense of calm. A blanket to mute the frustration. Chan watched with a comforting smile, glad that he could see the younger relax.

"The pharmaceutical companies that Jung Son had shares in decided to freeze his contract for the time being. Guess they found something worth verifying in their investigation." Chan revealed, hoping that piece of information would pull Changbin away from the report he had read.

Changbin exhaled, raising a brow, "Gonna be interesting when it's time to pay Park Min Ji."

Han walked back to the car, bag in tow from the gas station, opening the door with a smile. "Alright, two energy drinks for me, one juice and one water for you, 3 packs of your faves, a chocolate donut for me, and some seaweed chips for you." He listed off as he plopped in the seat, passing the bag to Lino and shutting his door.

Lino took the bag, scrunching his brows as he asked "Why does your stuff sound like a heart attack waiting to happen?"

Shrugging, "Pretty much is." Han replied casually, putting his seatbelt on.

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