• Beginning •

22 3 3

The sun shone softly against the white pavement. Orange and yellow leaves crunching gently against the soles of your shoes. The air was cool and chilled. Your footsteps matches those of someone beside you. He was slightly taller than you but shared a similar build to yours. He had rich red hair and auburn eyes. His name was Michizo Tachihara, your closest friend and fellow member of the Hunting Dogs. You both wore the same uniform, red formal top with black buttons down to the red trousers and black work boots. The chilled air was blocked out by the pair of white gloves the both of you wore with the uniform as well as matching red and black caps. The man Tachihara turned to you, a wide grin on his lips.

"I'm impressed Y/N." You turned your attention to the slightly taller male. Tachihara turned his head sideways, grinning down at you.
"You didn't loose your temper on the guy like usual" You shrugged, adjusting the cap on your head.

Just before you and Tachihara had visited your usual drinking spot after a long mission. While there a man beside the both of you started talking badly about his girlfriend and You, after Tachihara tried to convince you it wasn't a good idea, confronted him. While you and the man argued for quite a while, Tachihara was busy apologizing to the other people inside the bar. You obviously won the arguement and you and Tachihara left. However on your way out the man insulted you. Tachihara was afraid that he would have to hold you back but was surprised when all you did was laugh and show the man your badge, threatening to arrest him.

"Yeah well It took everything to not punch that guy. The nerve he has.. talking about his girlfriend like that behind her back." Tachihara laughs, nudging your shoulder.
"Yeah, except the boss would have your head for that" You shrugged again, grinning slightly.
"Probably. That guy just needed to be taught a lesson" Your lips break into a wide grin as you nudge Tachihara back.
"Remember the look on the guys face when we told him we were the police. That was fucking hilarious" Tachihara chuckles, nodding his head.
"Hell yeah. For a second there I thought you were going to kill him" You turned to Tachihara, suddenly serious.
"I would never kill someone for something like that. Sure he was an asshole but he doesn't deserve that" Tachihara raises his eyebrows in curiosity.
"What do you mean by deserve?" You lower your head toward the pavement, your eyes watching your footsteps.
"Death is relief. He hasn't earned that luxury" Tachihara nods slowly, rubbing his neck nervously as he decides to change the subject.
"Uh yeah. Anyways, what do you think the boss will have us do today? I'm kinda hoping for something more exciting than infiltrating the Mafia" You raise your head, gazing down the street. Both you and Tachihara were currently walking back to Hunting Dog headquarters. The building were you all met for meetings and events. You didn't really consider any of the other Hunting Dogs close friends like you did with Tachihara. He was one of the only members that seemed to understand and accept your rambunctious personality and your anger problems. You sometimes got along with Teruko and Jouno, who were interesting to talk too at times. However Tecchou was confusing to you, though you still found him rather intriguing and wouldn't mind having simple conversation. Fukuchi, the Captain and Leader of the Hunting Dogs was like a parental figure for you. He was the one who recruited you ten years ago.
You turned toward Tachihara, nodding slowly as he continued to rant. Raising your watch, you checked the time. Without warning you grabbed Tachihara by his uniform and started to run down the sidewalk, nearly knocking the redhead over in the process.
"Y/N?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU-" You cut him off, glancing over you shoulder to see him stumbling to catch up.
"WE HAVE A MEETING IN TEN MINUTES!" Tachihara's mood immediately changed.
"Dammit!" He tugged his arm that you held repeatedly.
"Let go! Your going to make me trip!" You quickly let go, shooting him an apologetic look. Tachihara rolls his eyes, picking up his pace so that he matched yours. Panting, you reached the building and quickly rushed inside. The warm air of the lobby met both your faces, making you wish you hadn't just ran. Tachihara seemed to think the same thing because he loosened his uniform and removed the cap from his head, panting softly. You looked down at your watch as you removed the cap from your head. You had five minutes left or you would both be late. The others were no doubt already there and now probably waiting restlessly for them fo arrive. You, unlike Tachihara was known for tardiness. It was a bad habit Tachihara had tried to help you with under Fukuchi's orders. However this hadn't seemed to help. You grabbed Tachihara's sleeve again, pulling him quickly toward the nearest conference room. Tachihara followed behind without complaint until you opened the door to the room. You released his arm, walking into the room, Tachihara following closely behind. The two of you ignored the eyes of the others on you as you both took seats beside one another.
"Sorry we're late, we ran into trouble after our mission" Tachihara explained to the room. You nodded in agreement, gazing up toward the front of the room where Fukuchi stood silently. His eyes were already on you and you decided it was best not to look away. Fukuchi sighed, taking a seat at the head of the table.
"Good work. I appreciate the both of you living up to the Hunting Dog name. However." He paused, raising his eyes and shooting you both a slightly stern glare.
"You're late" You and Tachihara exchanged looks.
"Barely!" The redhead protested but immediately went silent and lowered his head.
"I'm sorry. It won't happen again" Tachihara explained, raising his gaze to meet Fukuchi's harsh one which had softened. You nodded quietly, not daring to open your mouth. Fukuchi nodded slowly, turning toward the others. You glanced toward Tachihara who mirrored your expression of amusement. The corners of your lips twitched and you quickly looked away, forcing down a laugh.
"Anyways. Today I have new missions for everyone. The Armed Detective Agency hasn't given up. They're still on the move and it's job to stop them. Jouno, Tecchou, I want the both of you to go back to the Agency's Headquarters and see if you can find out where the Agency's gone too. Teruko, Y/N and Tachihara" You perked up at the sound of your name.
"You three will wait for Jouno and Tecchou to report back, then with the information they've collected you will explore those leads. Understood?" Everyone nodded silently, all focus on Fukuchi.
"Alright. Dismissed" Everyone pushed their chairs back, standing up and walking out of the conference room. You followed Tachihara out of the room. You both stood quietly against the wall before breaking into a fit of laughter.
"I was afraid that he was going to yell like every other time your late" Tachihara laughed, turning to you and nudging your shoulder playfully. You nodded, running your fingers through your h/c hair.
"I know right, I was prepared and everything" You grinned, nudging him back. Your laughter died down until you were standing in silence again. Tachihara smiled nudged you again.
"Next time let's try to actually make it on time" You nodded in agreement.


I'm sorry if this was really bad 💀 I tried. Thanks for reading! I didn't know how to start the chapter but here we are :D



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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