'Man is by nature a political animal.' - Aristotle

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The IPC is known anywhere, everyone knows that. But being encountered by their workers... it can be intimidating. 

Topaz. Senior Manager of the Strategic Investment Department in the Interstellar Peace Corporation. The political and economic organisation that is everywhere in the stellarverse. There may be a chance that soon; Belobog will be in her hands. She has seen almost every corner of the stellarverse, but never has she met someone as refined as the person who confronted her today, this... person. How could she explain it?

"I will ask you once more, where is it?!" The person yelled, a seriousness bottoming her tone. She stared down at the IPC worker as if she were a peasant, but in reality, this girl was like mere dirt compared to Topaz.

"Miss, I apologise but I cannot tell you." Topaz was interested by this person... how were they doing this without being frightened by the consequences? Who is this woman?

"May I.. see your ID, ma'am?" This was the only thing she could come up with to identify her without coming over as a creep. Or a pathetic power-user.

The woman had a frown on her face, seriously not intimidated, but still obeying the high-ranked manager. She handed over her ID, confirming her identity. Eri Clifford, where had she heard that before?...

"Happy? Now WHERE IS MY CAMERA! I NEED TO GET SOMETHING DONE BEFORE MY CLIENT BREAKS OFF THE CONTRACT!" So that's where she's from! She's THE Eri Clifford, from the Vegou magazines, who would've thought she was from Belobog, Jarilo VI?!

An icon for many, the development of fashion and form. The Eri?

"It is an honour to meet you, miss Clifford. My sincerest apologies for taking your... property. I will have my workers return it to you... immediately." The awkwardness of Topaz's tone was quite irritating, but Eri could deal with it.

"Please, miss...", she looked down at Topaz's shirt to see what her name was. "...miss Topaz. You mustn't call me by my surname. Just call me Eri."

Topaz couldn't help but be a little starstruck. Eri Clifford, the iconic figure who had graced countless fashion magazines and represented a pinnacle of style and sophistication, was standing right in front of her. It was a surreal encounter for someone who had spent her career dealing with interstellar diplomacy and corporate negotiations.

"Of course, Eri," Topaz replied, feeling a bit more at ease now that they were on a first-name basis.

"I appreciate your understanding, and I promise to have your camera returned to you as soon as possible. It was a simple misunderstanding."

Eri's expression softened, and a hint of a smile played at the corners of her lips. "Thank you, Topaz. I understand, and i'm sorry for my outbreak before. It was... also a misunderstanding, I guess!" Eri laughed. Topaz was amazed by her beauty, and her casual personality, it was amazing.

Topaz nodded, eager to make amends. "I'll personally ensure that your camera is returned to you without any further delay. If there's anything else I can do to make up for this inconvenience, please let me know."

"That'll be alright, I'm glad you're understanding. Say, should I take you inside? It's quite cold here." She gestured towards her house, standing a little further away, surrounded by the snow of the mountains they were in.

"That would be lovely, but I have somewhere to be right now. I promise to visit... sometime." The expression on Topaz's face changed from a gentle, sweet look to her professional one once again.

"Ah... alright. Good luck on your upcoming endeavors," Eri replied, noticing the transformation in Topaz's demeanor. It was clear that the corporate world held a strong grip on her, but there was something intriguing about the way she shifted between her personal and professional selves.

As Eri watched Topaz walk away, she couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue about the enigmatic senior manager. Their paths had crossed in a rather unconventional manner, but it left her with a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world beyond the glamorous one she was used to.


To be continued !

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