2- Prince William

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Dropping yet another book into his already occupied arms, I apologised before straying ahead once again. Behind me I could hear Louis's laboured breathing and heavy footsteps as he attempted to follow. 

We had been doing this for the past hour, Louis lugging around my books as I searched for more. I had warned him about it in the first place, therefore this was his decision, and I wasn't being cruel. He also explained that it made him more manly—carrying large books around—although I argued he was still very boyish. Especially because he wouldn't stop complaining, not even more a minute. 

"Any slower?"

"I am trying." He breathed out, leaning against a bookshelf to relax for a second. "It's not as easy when you're carrying so many books."

I spun around to face him, crossing my arms as I rolled my eyes. It was quite amusing watching him whine when he was the one who offered to hold them in the first place. Maybe next time he would consider what he was getting himself into beforehand. 

"How many more do you plan on getting?" 

"Haven't decided yet." I replied, the smirk becoming evident on my face just as I walked off. Louis let out a loud frustrated groan, pushing himself off the not so comfortable bookshelf to follow me once again. 

This continued on for about another fifteen minutes as I scanned the last few rows for anything remotely interesting to read. I preferred getting a large collection of books in one trip to hopefully prevent needing to come back for a while. The less I left my room, the less likely I would be to run into Lily.

For the past year and a half, we had been going through a rough patch, avoiding each other as often as possible. Or at least I did. The last thing I wanted was to go through that sudden feeling of being unwanted. That's what she had made me feel like that day when she yelled at me. Sure, never talking to her again because of that would've been dramatic but luckily for me, it was not the only reason. 

She never had time for me anymore, only getting busier and busier with Queen business. It wasn't her fault; I'd never blame her for that. For all I knew, she may not even have wanted it, just her luck. 

Although, I did blame her for all the unnecessary outbursts she would have on me, even when I'd simply want to talk to her. So, I decided to just leave her alone and let her go on with the life she was set to have. One that would most definitely not be involved with mine. 

"Any slower?" Louis teased, bringing me back after I had zoned out.

"One moment." I trailed my finger along the edge of the books till I found the right one, which I then paused. "This one."

Just before Louis could protest, I dropped the book onto the pile, almost sending him to the floor. Then when I was sure he would manage himself, I began to lead us back towards the door. I assumed that we had been the only two in the entire library, but I was mistaken. 

 A voice came from one of the aisles close to me and Louis—a voice that I found unfamiliar. I didn't care to pay any attention to it, that was until the sudden sound of commotion came from behind me. There was a constant thudding, which I presumed to be all the books' Louis had previously been holding—I was right. 

"Watch where you're going!" Louis spat at another boy who towered over him with his hand held out in front of him. It was soon smacked away by my friend who then helped himself up off the floor. "Now I've dropped all the books."

"I sincerely apologise." The strange boy retracted his hand after holding it out for an awkwardly long time.

 "Apologise to Y/n, they are her books."

As Louis spoke, the other boy turned to look at me, his cheeks tinted pink from embarrassment. His gaze found its way to my eyes, and I felt my heart rate immediately go into overdrive. He had the most beautiful ocean blue eyes, and I couldn't help but get lost in them. 

"I apologise, would it please you if I was to carry them back to wherever it was you had in mind?" 

Behind him, Louis's gaze was burning through the back of his head. He shook his head, royally pissed at the fact that this boy would even ask that question after seeing someone already carrying the books.  

"Well, uh-why don't you both?" 

"Great! My names William." He stuck his hand out, which I faster than normally took in mine, shaking it with a grin on my face. Any excuse to touch this boy's hand. "Prince William."

"Oh, you're a prince?" I repeated, clearly shocked. Louis on the other hand, did not seem in the slightest impressed. William nodded his head, lifting my hand up to his mouth, kissing it gently. There was no hiding the awestruck look on my face as I mentally fangirled over a prince touching me, let alone kissing me. 

Obviously forgetting that I was a princess myself. 

"Princess Y/n?" 

"Yes! That's me."

"It is a pleasure to meet you." He responded, leaning down to pick up a few of the books that were laying around. Louis did the same, standing awkwardly behind us. "Then this must be a personal servant of yours? Although he seems awfully young."

"He's actually my friend." I corrected him, rubbing the back of my neck nervously as I watched Louis clench his jaw. This wasn't how I expected to meet a prince, nor did I hope it would be. It was quite embarrassing and the tension circling around the three of us was thick and intoxicating. "Right, we should get going." 

Once both boys had their arms filled with books, we left the library, walking down the long halls in an uncomfortable silence. William had tried to make small talk with us but half the time he would be shut down by Louis's sarcastic responses. 

Eventually we made it to my room with everyone still alive and somewhat, well. I'm not sure how William's ego was after that long suffocating walk with Louis on the other side of me. I just hoped that he wouldn't be scared away by my best friend's antics. 

Hopefully this wouldn't have been our only interaction; that we'd meet again soon, because in the short amount of time, I had taken a liking to him. Louis, not so much, but he'd have to deal with it. 

"It was nice meeting you William, hope too again sometime soon." 


Once he was out of ears range, Louis let out an audible sigh of relief which earnt him an elbow to the shoulder. 

"Don't make me drop them again." 

"Well then drop that attitude." I snapped back, opening my door so he could carry them inside. William had left his half of the books laying on the floor, so I quickly bent down to grab them. "He was sweet."

"He was a prick." 

"I'm sure he didn't mean it; you didn't have to come off so hostile." There was no point trying to reason with him, I knew he had already made up his mind of not liking the prince. He wouldn't change his mind. 

"He called me a servant."

"You were holding my books and following me around like a lost puppy." I loved getting him riled up over nothing, it was cute quite frankly. Even if he didn't think so. 

"Excuse me for being a good friend." 

"I'm joking, don't let Prince William get in your head." Placing the books onto the table, I walked over to a very gloomy Louis. "You are a great friend, Louis."

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