Part 1: Violetgrass

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Y/N pov---------------------


I've been sent to get Violetgrass again, by Master Baizhu. 

Violetgrass is probably my least favorite herb to collect for him, because they never seem to grow in large quantities and always separately. And which Archon decided that they would only grow and cliffs? The Dendro Archon? Having to scale up around a thousand feet for a few measly flowers... This isn't my favorite task.

 Ever since I was a little kid, I've always looked up to Master Baizhu and saw him as a mighty figure. There was one pledge to myself, that no matter what, I would work at Bubu pharmacy when I grew up. However, Master Baizhu never seemed to need more helpers. 

That all changed eventually. Maybe by pure accident, but I stumbled across a vision one day when I was out collecting flowers, and picked it up. To my surprise, it activated in my hand. I didn't earn in any way, and yes, I did think at night while I was supposed to be asleep that it would be nice to have a cryo vision, but I didn't expect to actually find one! Who knows what the cryo archon was thinking, oh look! a random kid that respects my element! let's give her a vision! 

Not that I'm complaining though. It is is pretty cool to have a vision around, and people always seem to respect you more when they see that you are a vision holder. However, as a kid, all I really did with it was make ice cubes to put in my drink. Very useful in the summer, but not useful at all elsewhere.

Seeing as how I was a kid with "lots of potential", Master Baizhu took me in as a student. I had no idea why he needed a student, but I guess it's better than being unemployed. 

Trust me, I was so darn excited when I found out he was going to teach me. That faded soon, as most of my tasks were to go to the mountains and collect herbs. 

I kicked the dirt beneath my feet. The dust rolled over, as it has done multiple times in the past. It still felt the same. Today, I was sent all the way out to around the area of Qingyun peak to collect the herb. Apparently, the Voletgrass there was in "full bloom". Strange, the herbs there always seem to be in "full bloom". It's almost as if Master Baizhu wanted me to be in the mountains. Which is strange, because the only thing you find out here is herbs. 

This place is totally isolated. 

Other than the adepti. Not that I have any hopes of meeting one. They would be pretty cool to meet, of course. It really makes me think, does Master Baizhu sent me out here in hopes that I will gain the blessing of one or whatever?

I kicked the dirt below my feet again. The dust rolled over, as it had done many times before in the past.

 I looked up around me, it was like I was in some kind of box, but the box walls were made of really enormous mountains. Mountains everywhere. Some people would be intimidated by them, but this was a common sight for me now. A little bit further...

Each of my feet was placed in front of another, repeating for god knows how many times. It was just me, and me alone. My thoughts echoed and bounced around in my head like the DVD logo screensaver. 

Being alone did give me so much good time to think, however. Usually, I try to think back at Bubu Pharmacy, but all the noise of the people walking in and out and the employees opening and closing cabinets and that squeaking white blob that follows the traveler around and the shuffling of footsteps and- and... I just couldn't focus, alright?

I walked around rocks that were in the way. The path was getting steeper now, and I knew it wasn't long before I would need to use my Cryo vision. I usually use it to create tiny ledges for me to grab onto, while climbing a cliff to get Violetgrass. That's why I carry a tiny bucket of water on my back. Always apply the wet status to the rock before exerting Cryo energy. I learned that the hard way. Trust me, it was not fun.

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