Meeting Cloud Guy/Bergen Town

Depuis le début

Cloud Guy and Poppy both started laughing and Branch looked at Poppy and she immediately stopped laughing before Cloud Guy suggested "Okay, okay, okay

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Cloud Guy and Poppy both started laughing and Branch looked at Poppy and she immediately stopped laughing before Cloud Guy suggested "Okay, okay, okay. Now I'm thinking we hug" and having enough, Branch angrily picks up and breaks a stick in half that look like daggers and Cloud Guy turned nervous, making himself thunder and rain.

 Now I'm thinking we hug" and having enough, Branch angrily picks up and breaks a stick in half that look like daggers and Cloud Guy turned nervous, making himself thunder and rain

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Cloud Guy screams as Branch is chasing him with the sticks and while Poppy chases after Branch with a laughing Ruby following after them too.

"That's right. You better run, Cloud!"


"I'm gonna tear your little cloud arms… off your cloud body, and high five your face with them!" Branch threatened as they ran into the tunnel.

"He's just a cloud!"

"Get back here!"

"Branch! He can help us!"

"Come back!"

"Run, Cloud Guy!"

"I'm gonna kill you!"

"Ta-da! We're here!" Cloud Guy says as he stopped running, much to Poppy and Branch's confusion and while Ruby stops to catch her breath. "Phew… You guys are a lot of fun. You know, I gotta go. Got some cloud stuff to take care of. Catch you on the way back? Unless… You Die" Cloud Guy imitates as he leaves while the echo fades away, the two Trolls and Ruby look at each other before looking at where they are at as Poppy says "The Troll Tree".

"Bergen Town" Branch whispered as Ruby looked around and saw that the Troll Tree looks almost dead.

"Bergen Town" Branch whispered as Ruby looked around and saw that the Troll Tree looks almost dead

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Then the trio walked up a little to see all the Bergens walking along and singing grumpily.

"Wow! They're as miserable as you" Poppy whispered to Branch after the Bergens were done singing and Ruby fake coughed a laugh out while Branch looks at Poppy before she says "Which means they haven't eaten a Troll yet" and then Ruby says "Now, come on you two. Let's go save our friends".

"Your friends" Branch comment. "Our friends. Don't fight it" Poppy says as she, Branch and Ruby headed towards the castle.

Trolls: First Adventure BeginsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant