Taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart, she rapped firmly on the ornate wooden door of the dean's office.

The door swung open to reveal the dean, his face breaking into a warm smile at the sight of Hope. "Ah, Hope Mikaelson! To what do I owe this unexpected visit?" His tone was one of genuine curiosity.

Hope took a moment to gather her words. "Sir, there's a girl I recently met. Is there any possibility she could enroll here, mid-term?"

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Mid-term enrollments are rare, Hope. We do have a couple of slots open for students in your grade, but they come with their own set of challenges. She'd have to pass our entrance exam, and there's the matter of tuition as well."

Hope mentally kicked herself. Of course, tuition! How could she have overlooked such a crucial detail? Desperation evident in her voice, she pressed on, "Isn't there some way around it? Perhaps a scholarship or financial aid?"

The dean, recognizing the urgency in Hope's voice, leaned back in his chair. "There's a new arts scholarship we've introduced this year. Does she have any inclination towards art? Perhaps painting or sculpture?"

Hope hesitated for a fraction of a second, then nodded, "Yes," she said, remembering one of their conversations they shared.

The dean sighed, rubbing his temples. "Hope, you must understand, these processes have protocols. We can't make assumptions or hastily piece things together. If she's genuinely interested, have her come in. Let her take the entrance exam, and if she's artistically inclined, she can present some of her work."

Taking in his words, Hope nodded gravely, "I understand, sir. I'll speak to her. Thank you."

She left the office with a mix of hope and apprehension, her determination to help Lizzie burning even brighter.

The sun was setting, casting the school's campus in a rich, golden glow. Hope's heart fluttered like a nervous bird in her chest as she made her way towards the stadium.

She paused at the locked stadium door, wiping her clammy palms on her jeans. Gently, she knocked. A few seconds passed before the door inched open, revealing Lizzie. At first, Lizzie's face held a look of mild confusion, but as soon as she recognized Hope, it broke into a grateful smile, making Hope's heart squeeze.

"Hey," Lizzie greeted, her voice a blend of surprise and a hint of vulnerability. "I didn't think I'd see you here today. I was just... tidying up."

Hope took a steadying breath, searching for the right words. "Lizzie, I've been thinking. The school I go to, it's pretty great. It's a launching pad for some to the Ivy Leagues and offers an excellent platform for budding artists."

Lizzie tilted her head, her blue eyes filled with confusion. "Why are you telling me this?"

Gathering her courage, Hope said, "How would you feel about joining my school? There are a few hoops to jump through, but... I think it could be a game-changer for you. You mentioned how you wanted to go to one"

Lizzie's eyes narrowed slightly, a mix of intrigue and suspicion. "What kind of hoops?"

"Well," Hope started, gesturing with her fingers for emphasis, "First, there's the entrance exam. And secondly, they're really interested in prospective students' artwork. Didn't you mention you paint?"

Lizzie hesitated, her face betraying her internal struggle. "It sounds wonderful, Hope, but it's not practical. I can't afford that kind of school. And what about my daily commute and work?"

Hope felt a rush of emotion, making her words tumble out more earnestly. "Stay with me, during the school days. I can drive you to work. We'll figure it out."

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