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Karen Gillan- Cerena Bastille

Arielle's POV

"Is this a boy? Or is it a girl?" I question, looking at Kate and Garrett. Garrett pushes his glasses up further. I hold up my copy of the book, and they look at their own books.

"Its totally- actually I don't know. I think its a boy." Kate says, eyes still glued on the book.

"But it has big lips. Its a girl." I argued, after examining it once more.

Garrett snorted, "You act like guys can't have big lips." We all look at one another, laughing.

"Psst!" We all turned our heads, to the source of the sounds. I scrunch my nose, when its Rebecca. The three of us look at her, waiting for her to say something.

From personal experience, I would say, to stay away from Rebecca. She talks shit about you, and then acts like you're besties with her or some shit.

"You guys turn around! I need to tell Arielle something." She hisses, and Kate and Garrett awkwardly turn around in their seat.

I fold my arms, turning around too.

"Hey! I'm not done!" She whisper-yells. I roll my eyes.

"You give me no choice but to say this out loud Ari!" I cringe at her nickname for me. The only reason she calls me that is because of Nick. I felt a pang in my chest, and longed for him.

"I know you like Mason Echevary!" My blood runs cold, and the class is silent. I feel paralyzed, and then we hear a forced cough.

"What?" Mr. Nandos coughs. I shake my head, getting up. I grab my bag, slinging it over my shoulder, and reach for my book and folder. I walk towards the door, ignoring Mr. Nandos' cries of protest.

I put my hand on the doorknob, my knees weak. I let out a breath.

"Fuck you Rebecca, for always starting the stupidest shit about me. Fuck you."


"And then I just told her-"

"To go fuck herself?" Addison suggested.

I laughed bitterly. "Something like that." I put my hand up against the glass, and craved to hug Addison.

He put his hands up against the glass, on top of mine. "Miss you little sis." I bit my lip, looking at Addison in an orange jumpsuit, behind bars, away from me, for something he didn't even do, breaks my heart.

You're not the only one with a broken heart.

"I miss you too Addie." I choked out, a smile formed on his thin pale lips.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that, Elle."

I laughed quietly, "Oh god, you're an idiot."

"You know it." He laughed with me. I shifted the phone, holding it between my ear and my shoulder. In the past 2 months, he lost weight, and looked exhausted.

"M'am, your time is up." A buff guy in black whispered in my other ear. I sighed, and nodded. He left, and went to tell others visiting loved ones.

"I have to go Addison. I promise I'll come back." I tell him quietly. Addison nods, and puts the phone back on its little perch. He waves at me, before being hauled away by security.

"He wouldn't hurt a fly. Why have you trapped him in, in this cage!" I spin around, and see a girl with red hair, yelling at the buff guy in black from before. I watched as he tried to calm her down, and she thrashed around in his arms. I turned my head, remembering the first time I came to see Addison. He picked her up off the ground, and people starting filing out the doors.

"Let me talk to him! Why won't you!" I screamed, my throat hoarse. A tall guy with a concerned look on his face put his arm on my shoulder. "Miss, I kn-"

"Don't touch me! I don't need your damn pity! I just want to see my brother." I jerked away from him, and looked at the lady behind the table again.

"M'am, I really can't help you, its closing time. I-"

I reached over the desk, getting in her face. "Shut the hell up. I need to see my brother. Let me see him. Now."

Tears pricked at her eyes, fear clear in her big brown eyes. "I'm just doing my job, I c-can't do that, I'm sorry." I clenched my jaw, shaking my head. I stepped back down, eyeing her.

"Screw you. All I want to do is talk to my brother who didn't do shit, for 2 damn minutes. But no. I'm doing my job, blah, blah. What would you do, if this was your brother?" I spat.

"I-I don't have a brother." She whispered, cowering.

I ran a hand through my hair, and face palmed. "You know what the fuck I mean. You know what? Forget it. I'm not wasting my time on ignorant people like you."

I laughed bitterly to myself. I was so bad. I got up, and went to the girl still struggling in hulk's arms. She squirmed, and finally gave up.

"Can I let you down now?" he asked quietly, his face a shade of red. She stays silent, and I know exactly how she feels.

"Come on. They aren't going to let you see him. They aren't worth wasting your time on, either." She peels the guy's arms off her, getting down. She wipes her skirt down, and fixes her hair.

She extends her hand out at me, smiling deviously at me. "I'm Cerena. Finally, someone with common sense around here."

I shake her hand, "Arielle."


"I can give you a ride home, if you want." Cerena suggests, as we leave the place.

"Really? Can you?"

She nods, "Yeah. The least I can do for you. Besides, I have nothing to do."

I smile, "Alright." We get into her car, which is a 2014 Corolla. I sit in the passenger seat, looking at the interior design. The black leather is fucking beautiful.

"Your car is really nice."

She laughs, "My parents got it for me, basically a gift for not being home or some shit like that." I laugh at her sense of humor.

"You don't have a car?" Cerena asks.

I shake my head, putting on my seat belt. "No, we can't afford one."

"Oh. Well, now I can drive you around, huh?" Her green eyes sparkle as she nudges me, making me laugh.

I tell her my address, and she starts to drive.

"How old are you?" I ask, staring at the road in front of us.

"21, you? I'd say 19?" She says, her eyes focused ahead.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I try to ignore the displeasing feeling, crawling under my skin.

"Good guess I guess. You know, I'm a stranger, who just basically picked you up. Should I be concerned that you seem so calm?" Cerena laughs.

I laugh quietly. "Hey if you wanna kidnap me, go ahead. Not like anyone would even miss me." I add quietly.

Cerena stays silent. "Home must be rough, huh?" She asks softly.

"What the heck are you? A freaking fortune teller?" We both laugh, and a comfortable silence takes place.

I see my small house, and take off my seat belt. "Thanks for the ride, Cerena." I'm about to open the door, when she grabs my arm.

"Can I get your number?" She questions.

I smile, and nod. I pull out my phone, and go into contacts, because who the hell remembers their own number?

We exchange numbers and after I say goodbye, I walk up to my house.

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