❀•[Satan NSFW alphabet]•❀

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A = Aftercare (What He's like after sex):
-Satan will be very responsible with you. Before having sex he will do research on everything just to make sure you have a comfortable experience and that means after sex cuddles, words of affirmation etc

B = Body part (His favourite body parts):

-For his own body parts he likes his hands...and what he can do with them ;)
-for your body part his most favourite is your eyes, he loves eye contanct during sex.

C = Cum (anything to do with cum basically.):

-His cum probably taste salty and slightly bitter..if you can't handle it he will eat pineapples just so its sweet for you.

-His favourite place to cum is on your face. He likes seeing you trying to take it off your face and taste it.

D = Dirty secret:

-Satan is really respectful about but...sometimes he likes to fantasize about you dressing up in a tiny cat outfit and begging him for sex.

E = Experience
-Lets be real, he has been there for thousands of years..he has some experiences..but probably the most least after Beel.

F = Favourite Postion:

- No. 1 would be catty style (doggy style) and No. 2 is missionary because he loves eye contact.

G = Goofy (How serious are they?):
- hes more of a romantic guy when it comes to sex but he'll make you laugh here and there just to see your smile.

H = Hair (how groomed are they?):
-yes, his hair is also blond down there (trust me i would know, i have 20 kids with him..more on the way)
-Hes not hairy but not bald either..he keeps trims it though

I = Intimacy (how romantic are they?):
- He's veryy romantic with or without sex.

J = jack off:

-He'll masturbate sometimes but he rather have you..he'll only masturbate if he's desprate.

K = Kink
-Roleplay. This man will buy you so many dresses and accessories just for roleplays. Be ready to do some humiliating shit.

L = Location (His favourite place to do it):
-i read this in another book (i forgot the author's name) but..its lucifer's office room or whatever its called. He wants to piss this man off..he will leave used condoms in his trash just to piss him off more.

M = Motivation (what turns him on):
-Dress up a little cute and boom, this man is bricked up. Specially if you wear anything animal related.

N =No (something he wouldn't do, his turn offs):
-public sex. If you ask him he might but normally no.

O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving):

- giving. (Satan is a real pussy pleaser fr)

P = Pace (how fast are they?):
-it depends on the mood..if its a cute modd he'll do it not too fast not too slow..but if the mood is kinky he'll do it painfully teasingly just to make you beg and cry for his dick.

Q = quickie (His opinions on quickies):

-he doesn't like them..he pefers long and fun sex. Though if your kids at school he'll do a quickie. ;))

R = Risk (does he take risks?):
-No, hes a very responsible and considerate individual. He will not take risks of your getting pregnant.

S =Stamina (How many rounds does he last?):

-he'll last about 2-3 rounds. Though the more rounds the rougher he gets so thats for the best.

T = Toys (does he own toys? Is he open to using them?):
-he doesnt own toys but he'll buy them so he can experiment new stuff with yoy.

U = Unfair (How much they like to Tease):
-It depends on his mood. If its a romantic mood then he wont..but if its a kinky one he'll tease you a lot..if you have degradation kink he'll degrade you as well.

V = volume (how loud they are:)
-hes not too loud, he can control his voice. Though he will groan here and there..if youre doing it secrectly with him and youre too loud, he'll kiss you to silence you.

W = wild card ( a random headcanon):
-Satan has a praise kink. I swear. Belive me.

X = X-ray (Let's take a peek in those pants ;)):
-hes around 8.5inch long and 2.5 inch wide. Trust me, as the mother of his babies i know.

Y = yearing (How high is their sex drive?):

-its not uncontrollable but its not litrle either..his sex drive is in the middle.

Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall aslwep afterwards):
-He gets really tires but he will make sure you sleep first then he'll sleep.


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