Chapter 9

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"The decisive battle is upon us." His eyes narrowed, blond hair perfectly smoothed, and clothed in an elegant suit, he slowly spoke out, allowing his words to ring in the air.

Despite being a spy, he had quite the flair for dramatics.

"Personal appearance?" Loid loftily asked.

"Check!" Yor exclaimed, running her hands through her hair.

"Personal effects?"

Yor dug through her purse. Kei clutched her book tighter. She refused to budge from it.

"Check!" Yor once again nodded.

"Polite manner of speech?" This was obviously directed at Anya and Loid turned his head towards her.

"I am speak like a proper lady, mister sir!" Anya immediately straightened, her eyes wide.

Kei snorted at the wrong grammar.

Anya stuck out her tongue at her in return.

Loid ignored the two. I certainly don't feel good about this, but I've done all that I can.

"Then onward..."

And with that, they set off.


They walked along through the chattering crowd, striding in grandly through the equally grand gate.

"It's huge!" Anya stated in shock at the gigantic school.

"Well, it is the top school in the nation after all." Loid acknowledged.

Hurry up

Let's rehearse this one more time

Haven't we practiced enough?

Wow. Look at this!

Kei glanced around hearing bits and pieces of the conversation around her mingled with nervous thoughts.

"I never imagined there'd be so many applications!" Yor exclaimed. Indeed, the place was crowded. The family of four automatically huddled a little closer together to avoid being swallowed by the mass of people.

"And each of them is fighting for Anya and Kei's slot." Loid grimly murmured. He then turned towards the girls, "How are you two doing? Is the crowd too much?"

"I'm okay, mister sir!" Anya's eyes were wider than ever and Kei could tell she was nervous. She didn't blame her.

Even she, usually so laxed, couldn't help but feel tense.

"Then let's join them." He declared stepping his foot along the gravel path. A click sounded as his shoe made contact with the ground.

His eyes downturned, he couldn't help but jolt slightly at the sensation creeping through him.

Hm? This sensation... I know it well. There's no mistaking it.

He swept his gaze over the crowd briefly. An ominous sort of rumble went over him.

Someone's watching us!

Kei tensed even more.

Could there be an enemy somewhere in the crowd?

Enemy?! Anya's thoughts echoed.

Meanwhile, Yor turned her head about this way and that, searching. Is someone watching us?

Brows furrowed, Loid continued to look around subtly. The people were all dressed their best, families holding on tightly to their children.

No. That's not it. We're not the only targets. Whoever it is isn't just observing the applicants out of mere curiosity.

𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 // 𝐒𝐏𝐘 𝐱 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘Where stories live. Discover now