Distraught and Destress

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I lay under my covers completely still. The only positive action I do is breathe.

I lost my brother.

Tears well up and stream down my face, staining my silk sheets.
'How could I say that to my own brother! I knew how he felt, I knew his jealousy and what it could become. I could have prevented this. I could have tried harder! I was complacent, viewing this world like playing house. As if they are still characters in a story. This is my fau-'

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and the warmth of someone else against my back.
"Y/N... I'm here for you" a low voice whispered in my ear while he placed one hand over my own.

I turned around in our futon, my tear-filled eyes meeting his distraught ones. Slowly he pulled me close and planted a kiss upon my forehead. The light scent of cherry blossoms and wisteria permeates my nose as I bury my face in his chest and sob uncontrollably.

Without saying anything, he just stroked my hair gently, soothing me as I fall asleep.

The sun trickled through the lattice windows, casting a glow over my tear-stained face alerting me of the day time. I reluctantly opened my puffy eyes to see my husband sat up besides me, one arm still holding me as he drank one of the two cups of hot tea next to him.

"Good morning, drink tea... please." He said in a concerned voice. I sat up as well and grabbed the remaining tea cup and drank. Though my sadness and guilt didn't subside, I felt calmer.

I have spent my days is both the most sluggish and intensive mood I've ever had. I would either spend my meals saying nothing, my face blank and my eyes lost of all joy, mindlessly chewing on the rice that Fumihito made.

If i wasn't doing that, I was training intensely til my hands bled, though due to my hands bleeding; Fumihito decided to ban me from training. So instead I locked myself in a room.

Within the room, I was performing and calculating countless divinations. The room, laden with unrolled scroll upon scroll, rough strokes of my brush. Star chart dating back to at least a decade ago was hung on the walls. This method is a technique I learnt in my previous life, though I'm not sure if it has any basis nor would work... I just need something.

Every unrolled scroll, every brush stroke, every single calculation is just to answer one question.
Where is Michikatsu? What can I do? What should I do? And many more that plagued my mind.

I wrote and wrote til I ran out of paper I could use, so I switched to writing the numbers on my skin. Each stroke rough and quick til I ran out of room on my body.

And suddenly I felt something wet drip into my skin. I went to a mirror to see a crimson liquid stream down my nose, my arms, chest and legs covered in ink. At that moment the sliding door moved.
[Fumihito's POV]

I had went out to buy things for my wife. She has been in complete disarray: crying for hours at night, training til her hand bled. I had banned her from entering the training yard and begged her to rest.

I spent my day buying and looking for ingredients that she liked along with medicinal herbs that should keep her body healthy, all so I could prepare special meals for her.

I arrive home to not find her in our room. I set the food near the stove and went to find her. I searched room after room til the sound of brushstrokes could be heard.

I follow the noise to one of the rooms and slid the door across in a fury.

The room in disarray, paper sprawled everywhere with numbers and symbols all over it.

The sound of a single drop caused me to ignore everything else. I turn to Y/N, arms and legs covered in black ink and her hand and covered in the crimson blood that was leaking from her nose.

My heart dropped and dread came over me as Y/N proceeded to collapse.

Instantly I slid under her catching her before her head hit the floor. Quickly checking her heart beat, I breathed a sign of relief knowing she's alive and just fainted.
[Y/N's POV]

I slowly regained consciousness and no longer felt the hard floors but the softness of a pillow; along with a warmth covering my hand.

I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my room. Turning my head to the direction of the warm comforting sensation, I see Fumihito cradling my hand in his, his eyes closed and cheeks stained with tears.

"Y/N you're awake! Thank goodness" Fumihito said, embracing me in a hug.

"I fainted... didn't I. You were worried? I shouldn't have worried you" I apologised, turning my head away in embarrassment which he used as an opportunity to plant a kiss on my cheek.

"Of course I was worried! Why would I not? I'm your husband!" He exclaimed, staring at my in disbelief that I would say that. "And yes. You shouldn't have worried me. The moment I leave, you begin doing your divination and guess what you collapsed!"

"..." I just stare back stunned. 'This is the most angry I've seen Fumihito. He is usually calmer.'

"...oh sorry for raising my voice" Fumihito weakly says in near my ear as he places his head on my shoulder in our embrace. "I'm just... worried. You keep working and working when I've been telling you to rest. I'm scared that at this rate you'll break."

"...that I'll break?"

"Yes. I'm constantly worried for you. During everyone of your missions I'm scared you won't come back. So I thought that at least now, you'll take a break and I can make sure of it." He said in an embarrassed tone.

It finally sank in. 'This world is real. He is real. And I've been worrying him this much' tears streamed down my face.

"Oh Shit! Y/N I'm sorr-" Before he couldn't even finish his sentence, I tackled him.

"I'm sorry my dear. Sorry to worry you. I'll rest. Please... just give me time" I say sputtering my apologies through my tears.

Fumihito just stared at me, before grabbing my face and kissing me as he wiped my tears away. I stare back, shocked. Soon a burst of hysterical laughter leaves his mouth.

"Why are you acting surprised? Hahaha! It's not like we haven't done more" he says with a sly smile, emphasising 'done more'.

His infectious laughter got transferred to me as I crumble onto his chest laughing as well.
"Oh lord! Why did I marry you again?" I joke.

"Because I'm handsome and irresistible"

"And arrogant"

"And you're not. Don't you remember coming back to me and being like 'I've killed more than 50 demons. fuck that dude who said I couldn't do it.' with said 'dude' being your father"

"Stop! Don't remind me" I shouted which caused him to just laugh more. Soon the rest of the day was us telling stories, laughing and finally eating together. Though the sadness still lingered in my heart, it felt a bit lighter now.

From a cave walked out a man, bearing a purple and black checkered kimono. Black hair slowly faded into red. A sword on his hilt and eyes six in number.

"Kokushibo" Said a low voice coming from above him. "Come here"

The man named Kokushibo walked towards the voice, the stench of blood emanating from it, before bowing. The voice took out its hand and held Kokushibo's chin and with its other hand out grew its long sharp nails.

"You will be the first. I guess I should welcome you. Upper rank one" the voice spoke.

Tilting his head upwards, Kokushibo met his gaze.
"Yes... Lord Muzan" Kokushibo said before the nails engraved his eyes.

May the Stars guide you ~ KNY x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz