But Ush hits him with his sword before somersaulting behind him to try and cast a spell against him, only to get frozen in place.

Ush: GAHH!!!!!

Epsilon:(Forms a sword that glitches) Time to die demigod!!!!!

Oropo: NOOOO!!!!!

But as he tries to stab him, Oropo portals between them and takes the hit for him instead.

Echo: OROPO!!!!!! 

Echo quickly grabs him while Dathura holds down Epsilon as Echo tries to heal Oropo yet much to her shock he miraculously heals himself.

Echo: Oropo your healing how???

She then sees the injured part of him become more cybernetic.

Echo: What????

Oropo gets back up and opens a portal while Bump holds Epsilon back in a force field.

Oropo: Everyone through the portal.

Kali: Are you sure we can trust him???????

Poo: Would you rather fight him????? (Poo points to Epsilon as he furiously tries breaking through the force field).

Kali: Fair enough

Everyone jumps through the portal as Epsilon narrowly garbs them after breaking bumps force field, they travel through the portal and arrive at the base of the travelers/watchmen in Cania.

Pandora: What do we have here,(looks at Echo and the other siblings) Demigods and some dragon-hybrid? You are trespassing on our base leave now or else.

Mishell: Please we need help!!!!

Pandora: This is a joke right, leave now or--- (sees an unconscious Oropo in Echo's arms) OROPO!!!!!

Pandora teleports to Echo's side and checks on Oropo who is unconscious and glitching between small intervals.

Pandora:(Enraged, points her staff at Echo) What did yu do to him?????

Echo: It wasn't us it was someone named Epsilon, he glitched just like Oropo, but it twisted his form so much he looked viler than a shushu. He attacked us, and Oropo opened a portal here to help us escape.

Everyone in the area is in shock open hearing Epsilon's name.

Pandora: Epsilon??!!! Come, we'll take care of him, and we need to scan you all to make sure you're safe.

Mishell: Why we're oka---- AUGHHHHH!!!!!

Mishell falls down as she temporarily glitches like Oropo, but it is so quick someone could be forgiven for not even seeing it, but it puts her in immense pain

Echo:MISHELL!!!!!! (She glitches too and drops Oropo to the ground as she is overtaken by the pain) AGHHHHHH!!!!!! (she tries using her power to heal herself, but it doesn't work, and she glitches again the pain almost making her pass out) What is happening to me????

The other demigods follow through, and they are all put in immense pain too, with the travelers on site quickly rushing them to the infirmary.

Pandora: As I thought, Epsilon's glitch powers are becoming too unstable. (Turns to a fellow traveler) Mobilize all our available forces, we need to get ready for a fight.

Traveler agent 1:Yes ma'am.

2 hours later

Oropo is in a dream-like state where his brotherhood is in his home village enjoying themselves while he is beside Echo, when suddenly it fades to black, and one by one they all disappear, making him wake up in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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