The School Friend

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She answered the doorbell and found a man standing with a bunch of roses in his hand. 

"Hey, do you remember me? Iam John... John, from your school days".   He offered the bunch of roses to her.

She squeezed her eyes for a split second and brightened up immediately. 

"Oh, who can forget you, John? You were my best friend and neighbor during my kindergarten days. You broke my doll and threw it into the sewer because I was more fond of it than you, remember", she laughed. 

He too laughed aloud, as he gave her the roses and entered the living room. 

"Yeah, I even punched your boyfriend at school for kissing you, because he called me 'possessed' in front of everyone.  You then shifted to a new country with your parents. Shortly after, your ex-boyfriend went for a boy's camp and went missing after that. May be, he also got possessed".  

He made scary moves like a zombie and ghost, when he said the word "possessed".  

"Shut up. Don't say things like that."  Sarah giggled and hit him with the roses he brought.  "Ex-boyfriend or not, I hope he is fine".

She put the roses in a vase and started preparing tea.  

"It's been a long time. Different country, different environment, new people, new friends...  I lost touch with all my old school friends and folks here. Well, except my cousin Mary.  She is my only relative left.  After my parents died last year in a tragic road accident, I decided to move back here.  My husband got a job here as a Professor".  

She turned to see him coming close to the stove, smelling the fragrance of the tea, with a gentle smile on his face.  

"Your face hasn't changed at all, John", she said smiling, pouring the tea in the cup through the tea filter.  "You look just the same after all these years.  That's how I was able to recognize you. Hey, but how did you find me? " she asked, surprised. 

Something pricked her neck and she turned around to see John removing an injection from her neck.  As she looked at him in shock, her nerves quickly started becoming numb.  She could not move her limbs. She couldn't speak. She could only move her eyes. 

He immediately held her from falling and made her sit on the floor.  He turned off the gas switch. He sipped his tea very slowly, watching her eyes stare at him in utter disbelief, questioning him without words.  

"How did I find you? Ah, that's easy. Your parents did not want me anywhere closer to you in the neighborhood, after the doll episode. But they couldn't do anything to me at school. Somehow, I always managed to make you believe in my version of the story. But, after I punched your boyfriend at school, your parents decided to move you to a new country, far away from my reach".  

He cleaned his cup and made it look as if the tea was prepared only for one person. 

"You forgot all about me, Sarah. But I never forgot you. Your cousin Mary... that stupid girl would accept anyone's Friend Request through Facebook, to be popular in school. So, I got myself added to her profile. Since then, I have been learning everything about you through her profile. Recently, I learnt that you have shifted back here through the pictures posted and found out your locality". 

He took out his hand kerchief and wiped off all the places he touched in her house. 

"I have studied your neighborhood before I knocked on your door.   I know that at this time of the afternoon, all kids are at school, all husbands are at office and all your lady neighbors and senior citizens are sleeping.  It's a quiet neighborhood. Nobody knows that I was here and nobody will know that you are being kidnapped by me".   

He picked her up and carried her to the garage. He put her on the front seat next to the driver, buckled her up.  "And even if someone familiar sees you in the car, it will appear as if you are willingly going with me on a trip. You can move your eyes, but not your limbs / muscles. You are not knocked unconscious. So, nobody will doubt me. What? You don't believe me? Ask your Professor husband then". He turned to see her reaction. "No, he didn't go for the picnic with his students, Sarah".   

He smiled, as he started the car and gently glided it inside his garage.  He picked her up and brought her to his basement.  He made her sit on the chair and went down on one knee in front of her. 

"I love you, Sarah. You belong to me.  Nobody can take you away from me.  Nobody can love you more than me.  I will always keep you happy.  But I know you love the presence of others also in your life - especially your mom, dad, your ex-boyfriend, your professor and yeah, Mary too.  So, I have kept a souvenir  of all of them".  

He showed a rusted box with two wedding rings, a proposal ring, a diamond ring, a chain and a bracelet.  "Will you marry me, Sarah? Ah, Thank you so much, baby. Nah, don't worry, babe. This basement is insulated inside out. Nobody can hear a thing. You can live here at peace, with me, till death do us apart". 

[The End]

PS : Dedicated to all young girls who are innocent enough to accept any Friend Requests from strangers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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