Fooling with Mr perez princeton love story (starring you) eppi 3

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-no recap-

Next morning was awkawrd given the fact that you had science first period and your science teacher is Mr perez. You were late that morning you came in with a late note and handed it to him he starred deeply into your eyes and relized you were not only. You took your seat right infront by his desk. He carried on with his lesson. The hole 3periods you were with him he kept eye balling you. He took as many chances just to touch but used it as a example of somthing.

-YN prov-

The bell rang and I thought to myself it only the end of first period. Snap his making me h*rnier by the min. Touching me nd all fuck!!!

-end of prov-

Mr P : YN what's is the name of the blood cancer discribe in the text book

YN: Leukemia

Mr P: correct

What's gonna happen next hehe next eppi will come tomorrow I'm beat night stay mindless!!!

Fooling with Mr Perez princeton love story (starring you) eppi 1Where stories live. Discover now