"What do you think, mi hermano?" Sprawled comfortably in a swivel chair in Challenger's second 'personal' jet, Rafael smiled fondly over the video link at his sibling.

For all they were cousins, not brothers, after being raised together since Rafe was ten -when their parents were killed- he could not love Jean-Pierre more if they were brothers in truth. The oldest of their trio, Jean-Pierre inherited in full the stunning diplomatic and political acumen that characterized Paul d'Arnot, one of the four founders of the Challenger clan, and given what was going on with their Marissa and the very same Agent Whiskey their adoptive father, Champ, had tied himself in knots for the past decade to keep apart, Rafe wanted to hear what his big brother had to say about all of it.

"You may dismiss the majority of your concerns as to Jack, mon frère," Jean-Pierre told him, looking thoughtful as he considered everything discussed during Rafe's unexpected conference with Ginger, Lancelot and Merlin. "He is quite sincerely enamored of our darling sib, and while I foresee some difficulties when he discovers our family connection to both Kingsman and Statesman, I am confident we can sort them out." He favored Rafe with a sardonic grin. "I will not, however, rule out the possibility we may be forced to tie him down and batter him with truths until he comes to his senses."

Rafe broke into laughter. "Who can we recruit to help tie him down? Tequila's in, I'm sure."

Jean-Pierre chuckled right along with him. "No doubt. And how is our favorite rodeo clown settling down to life as a Kingsman?"

Rafael snickered. "Judging from the expressions of the good Merlin and the just-in-passing quite stunning Agent Lancelot, it has not been without... friction."

Jean-Pierre raised an inquiring eyebrow. "Looking forward to finally meeting your sleeping beauty in person?"

Rafael grinned sheepishly. "Very much. As sharp as she is, I can't imagine she won't have made the connection by the time we all reach Bern."

"I look forward to hearing the tale of your first meeting." Jean-Pierre tapped the leather desk blotter in front of him, still turning over all the implications in his mind. "What about Uncle Enzo?"

Rafael's expression lightened. "Put your mind at ease, the lovely Ginger Ale was kind enough to forward all his medical information and test results, and I've already got the lab in Bern sequencing his genome for a specialized retroviral treatment. But damn it, JP, if Enzo had the good sense to come to us first instead of trying to hide it, the cancer couldn't even have progressed this far."

Jean-Pierre snorted. "Have no mercy, mon frère. Tell our beloved sib Uncle Enzo is putting himself in danger rather than treat us as adults and equals, and she will flay the skin from his bones with her reproaches, then pour salt water into the wounds with her tears."

Rafael chuckled. "You are evil, mi hermano. Will do! But what do you think about the news someone is trying to re-establish Poppy's network?"

Jean-Pierre's expression went bleak. "It's too soon, Rafe. First Valentine, then Poppy? The geopolitical situation is a bad joke right now. All it would take is a spark to start a firestorm that could ignite open war in any of two dozen countries. Champ has Statesman's best rapid-assessment team monitoring the current world situation constantly and every last one is, and I quote, 'jumpier than a long-tailed cat in a rocking chair factory'."

Rafael had to laugh in spite of the seriousness of the situation. "Damn, I love that man."

"So say we all," Jean-Pierre quipped. "His birthday is next month, by the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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