Chapter 5

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Jean-Pierre came strolling into the choir loft just before closing time. "Monsieur Jack, I have a favor to ask of you, if I may."

Distracted from trying to coax his sugarplum into a ride in the Silver Pony without actually telling her what it was, Jack shot him a cocky grin. "After what you did? Fire away, partner."

"Would you be so kind as to take our Marissa home? Her roadster is, alas, still in the shop."

Jack grinned. "That'd be you doin' me another favor, partner."

Jean-Pierre arched a sardonic eyebrow at Jack. "So? I shall remember you owe me two then, mon frère. But off you go, lovers, s'il vous plaît."

Marissa giggled. "We've been dismissed, cowboy, and unless you like being smacked on the nose with a rolled-up newspaper, I'd suggest we go."

Jack stood up, conscious he was about to get Marissa entirely to himself for the first time all night, and entirely happy about it. Even making out in the wine cellar, he was well aware anyone could have walked in on them any time...

"Whatever you say, sugarplum."

Jean-Pierre was still watching them with an evaluating eye, so Jack played the perfect gentleman and swathed Marissa in her wool coat, made sure her gloves were tucked in the pocket, and only then snagged his coat and hat off the hat rack. With an arm around her waist they headed for the stairs, and as they passed Jean-Pierre, the suave Frenchman leaned over and brushed a kiss over Marissa's cheek, and to Jack's vast surprise, did the same to him.

"Sleep well, my darlings," Jean-Pierre said, in such a doting tone Jack warmed towards him even more. Here was someone who loved Marissa as much as... Jack caught himself mid-thought. Someone who loved Marissa as much as he did -he really was falling head over heels for this woman- and without even thinking when Marissa brushed a kiss over Jean-Pierre's cheek in return, Jack did the same with the other.

Jean-Pierre's eyebrows both shot up in surprise, but a small, satisfied smile curved his lips and his gaze softened. "Truly, you have chosen well, chérie."

Jack grinned wickedly and tipped his Stetson at him as they left. "Glad you approve, partner."

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When they reached the Corvette, Jack took a moment before he pulled out of the parking space and eased Marissa into his arms for a long, unhurried kiss. The choir loft was very comfortable, but Jack really preferred privacy for romance, and that idiot diFalco had ogled them shamelessly for the rest of the night.

Jean-Pierre was right, Jack reflected as he eased Marissa's mouth open and coaxed her tongue into dancing with his, deFlea really was a cretin... and then shelved the whole problem until tomorrow, because for the first time in twenty years there was a woman in his arms he wanted to make love to, not fuck, and the prospect left him awash in longing.

After ten minutes of shameless, old-school making out, Jack finally broke the kiss regretfully, because God damn if he didn't want to be doing this in her bed, instead of a car. Marissa seemed to share his reluctance, because she brushed a last kiss over his lower lip that nearly undid him all over again.

"How long does it take to get to your house, sugarplum?" he asked her, his voice low and husky with raw hunger.

"With or without obeying the speed limits?" she replied lightly, but her voice was still breathless and it did things to Jack.

Kingsman: Statesman Meets ChallengerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora