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No one's POV:
"Who's this cutie?",asked ????." This is manjiro sano or best known as mikey he owns a flowers shop",said draken." And who might you be"said mikey to the purple head." the name is ran haitani , a pleasure to meet you mikey",said ran while taking his hand and kissing it.Mikey let out a small giggle. When everyone heard  it their heart started to beat faster. They all thought" What was this feeling in my heart"." So if you own a flower shop why are you here",said shinchiro." Well i helped them last night as they were injured I took them to my apartment and they stayed the night. They asked if I wanted to tag along and yes I was startled at first to find out they were in a gang",mikey explained. They all heard him clearly . They were jealous that toman got to sleep with him and not them. Even if they met a while ago they still fell in love with him quite fast just like love at first sight. " So let's start the meeting, shall we?",asked izana. While the meeting was going on mikey sat on a chair in the corner of the room scrolling through his phone. He saw he got alot of miss calls from his elder sister emma. " She must have been worried and might have gone to my apartment . I should text her that I am out",thought mikey.

           Hi sis, sorry if I did not pick up
          my phone, it was dead and I   
          am  currently out with my
          friends , so don't worry.

Where have you been!? I was so worried. I thought you got kidnapped or something.
                    Sorry will keep my phone
                     charged ,ok bye now.

Sunflower 🌻
You better.OK take care, Bye.

Suddenly mikey got an idea."What  if i ask them to hang out with me after the meeting",thought mikey. After the meeting  mikey asked and all of them surprisingly said yes. So mikey first took them to a dorayaki  place where they sell a variety of different flavoured dorayaki. Mikey's eyes shimmered when he saw the dorayaki just like how a child's eyes shine when they see a new toy. They all chucked at the reaction of the ball of sunshine . Mikey got the red bean paste dorayaki , the nutella dorayaki,  the smores dorayaki and alot more. They then went to a park and sat down . Mikey was eating his dorayaki and asked"is your job difficult?,asked mikey curiously. "Yes and sometimes no",said takemichi.
"By the way I never got all your names",said mikey.They all introduced themselves. " Hey you guys should eat something.  You can get something from the food truck there",mikey pointed. They were happy that he was concerned. " We will you stay here ,ok?",said izana."ok",said mikey.Mikey was peacefully eating his dorayaki when some men come up to him." Hey look it's a boy dressed as a girl",a random guy said and started laughing. " He must be weak, let's beat him up",said another. When the boys turned around after getting food they turned around and heard what the group of boys just said. They were about to go there and beat their ass but before they could reach they hear a THUD.
hi lovlies.  How are you? Take care of yourself.  I tried my best. This chapter is a little rushed. And sorry if it is bad. Now good morning,Good afternoon, good evening and good night 💖 💖

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