Best Friends~

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I pretty much ran with Izu all the way to the train station. We finally stopped to try and catch our breath as we boarded the train. "Saki...What just happened? Why didn't you want to say hi to Kacchan? He's your neighbor. You are acting like he doesn't even know you are-" He looked at me as I looked to the floor, scratching my head. "Saki, don't tell me. Kacchan doesn't even know you are back!" I winced as he slightly raised his voice. "Izu....I- I can't bring myself to face him. Do you even remember the last thing I said to him? How badly things ended. How would you feel if you got in a fight with one of your best friends and you left, unable to fix the friendship? I just... he probably hates me." I shook my head, looking down. Izuku put his hand on my shoulder. "I understand, Saki, but you are gonna have to face him eventually. I mean, he IS your neighbor. You are bound to see him at some point."

"Yes, Izu. You are right. E v e n t u a l l y, but not yet." I say, causing Izuku to laugh.

We got off the train and headed to the mall. "So, Saki, what do you need to buy?" Izuku asked. "Well, Actually, I need to buy new clothes, some makeup, and some things for my room," I replied. " Ok, where do you want to start?" I thought about it for a while, I hadn't been to this mall in so long. I wasn't in a rush to do anything. "Izu, maybe we could just walk around until I find a place that fits my style," I told him. He agreed. "So Izu, tell me how middle school was?" I saw a panic flash across Izuku's face. "W-well... to be completely honest it was hard," I felt a pang of guilt, "but I managed to get through it. Saki, don't look at me like that. It wasn't your fault you left."

"But, did you at least make some new friends?" I asked, hoping for a positive answer.

"I wouldn't say friends. Kacchan... he picks on me, and no one really wants to be friends with someone who is quirkless." he laughed. I was so worried. "Saki, I'm ok.  Right now, I have my best friend back." I smiled. As we continued to walk around. I ended up walking into a clothing store. "Ooo, these are cute," I say, pointing at some ripped jeans. Izu laughed at me. "What? What's so funny?" I asked. "You always hated wearing skirts and dresses. Whenever your mom forced you to wear one, you would always pout for the rest of the day." He said, laughing. "Well, to be honest, I never saw heroes wearing dresses... so I just know I was never too fond of them. In school, I have to wear skirts, I mean, they aren't that bad, but I'm just not used." I laughed, grabbing three pairs of jeans and shorts in the process. I walked to the dressing room. "Hey, I'm going to try these on really quickly, I'll be right back," I told Izuku. "Ok, I'm just going to look around some more." He responded. I went into a fitting room and tried on a pair of shorts. They were pretty short. I didn't hate them, but I need another opinion. I walked out of the fitting room. "Hey, Izu, what do you think?" I yelled from across the store. I saw him walk over. His face turned bright red. "What? Do you not like them?" I asked. He gave me a nervous laugh. "Saki... you're not serious? You aren't wearing that out in public."

"Awww. Why not?"

"Saki, do you see how short they are? I am not letting guys get the wrong idea. I mean, they are so cute that there is nothing wrong with them. If you chose to get those, then that would be ok, because, at the end of the day, it is your body, and if you want to wear them, then who am I to say something about. Omg, does that make me a bad feminist." He rambled.

"Izu- I get it. You are protective of me. But if I like them, then I could get them. I don't think that makes you an anti-feminist. I think it just means you are protective, but not that you are controlling or trying to slut-shame me. Like just because I didn't like skirts doesn't mean I hate them on other people, they are actually cute. I'm just not used to them, even if I wear them to school every day." 

"I WOULD NEVER - I don't wanna say that word... I would never shame anyone like that. and I am protective. You are like a sister to me." 

I smiled at him. "Awww, really? That's awesome because I totally see you as the brother I never had." His face brightened up. "Ok, I won't take these, but I will take the ripped jeans. Deal?" "Deal." He replied. We left that store after I paid. We went to a few more stores. I ended up buying a couple of shirts and some fairy lights to add to my room. Soon after, Izuku and I walked back to the train station. "So Izu, when did you start training?" He froze. "W-well, Umm actual I-I started training about a month ago." I looked at him in shock. "What? No way?! That's awesome. It definitely shows. Do you have a trainer or what?" I joked, nudging him. "What?! Um, no, of course not." He said, flustered. "It's ok, Izu. I was just joking with you. If I can ask, though, why'd you start training all of a sudden?" I asked, tilting my head in curiosity. "So I can go to U.A., of course." Izuku smiled proudly. I frowned, looking down. "Oh. Yea."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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