♤The King's Rules♤

Start from the beginning

“I see you haven’t lost your sense of humour.” I pin him a dry look and he smirks, shrugging his shoulder for added effect. “I can see you didn’t lose it when you lost your legs.” I mock him and he growls, perfect.

“You and I have unfinished business. Suka” He stares at me intently and I make a mental note to gauge his eyes out next time.
“Why don’t we make this fair?” He continues and a frown settles between my brows. This urges him to continue and he does “So, why don’t we settle this here. A fight with the famous Queen Ivanov. If I win, you come home with me, which includes your little....friends.” He looks at Cara and Ari “but if you win, you can take the girl with you.”

The death deal. A deal from the god of death and wrath. I see in his eyes judgement, and no place to hide. Even with the turmoil, the only thing that keeps me from putting a bullet through his skull is the girl sprawled across the room, looking almost dead and a man standing near me, whose heart seems to be breaking with each passing second.
“I accept it. But I lay down the rules.” He nods and I continue “No weapons, theses scumbags in here, leave. Only the six of us stay here.” He nods and within a minute every guard leaves, except us.

I look at Cara who is begging me with her eyes to allow her handle it, which I know you can, but I want to a taste of the Ivanov blood so I shake my head at her. Ari looks solemn, glancing at his sister who is still lying down in her blood unconscious. I rid myself of all weapons and Dimitri does the same. He gestures that we take of our clothes to be sure, which I do. I’m left with my lace set and he is in his boxers.

He sweeps his eyes over my body with a lustful gaze and I smirk when it lands on my eyes. “Still not over me yet hunh?” I say and he moves his neck side to side. We are given space in the basement as a metal cage drops around us. Cara’s eyes widen in shock at the barrier and Anika smirks. Now I’m here, with death, dancing to a tune I played so long ago.

“Sad that someone else is doing a better job at fucking your wife.” I taunt Dimitri and open my stance. A lunges the first attack, swinging his arms in my direction. His fist connects with my cheek and my head turns to the side. The skin throbbing with raw pain as blood spills out of my mouth. “Ouch suka, did I ruing that pretty mouth of yours?”
I smile up at him with a bloody gum and he growls “You bitch.” He sneers, throwing his fist in the direction of my other cheek but I block it with my forearm, connecting my knee with his groin.

He mewls in pain, doubling over to nurse it when I move quickly to connect my foot to his face. He falls, but quickly recovers, running towards me, connecting my back with the metal cage. I hiss in pain as it shoots through me. With my elbow, I hit his back a few times and he let’s me go. The blood from my nose drips down unto the floor as I stare at him. He smiles, and we each wait for the other to attack.

I watch him carefully as he hops on one leg, trying his best not to give away his weakness.  With the support of the cage, I backflip and get close enough to kick him in the face, landing on my feet. Dimitri grins at me, proud that he had made me into this monster himself.

“I’ve missed you my queen.” He whispers lowly, gazing upon my exposed flesh and I know he is referring to it in a lustful way. I hate the very ground he walks on and I can’t wait to kill him with my bare hands.

“Fuck off.” I seethe, earning another smirk from him. What are the rules my queen.” His calm voice echoes again and I grin. Usually, I would expect Dimitri to cheat from the beginning but he honoured his part of the deal to the best of his ability as Vladislav throws his dagger over to him. He catches it in one swift movement, moving it between his fingers with ease. I smirk and keeping the sharp blade in my mouth.

“Evie!!! No, no this was not the deal you scums. Let her out of there before I blow this place up. You piece of shit.” Cara shouts, her voice laced with fright. I look over at her and wink returning my gaze back to my monster.

I move my neck from side to side, grinning at me. “If anyone threatens the King’s throne, he shall die by the queen’s sword.” I say rule number one and he smiles, coming towards me with the sharp dagger but I swing my head back as it misses me by an inch. With the momentum, I swing back up, knocking my head into his and he releases a string of curses at me while inspecting his broken nose.

“No man or woman shall defy the King’s Orders.” I say rule number two as I throw a punch in his direction and he blocks it, moving my hands out of the way and slicing it with his blade. Blood pulls out of my skin, an immeasurable pain making my arm feel numb. I continue with the rules

“Everyone is bound by blood, and only blood can set them free.” I tell him as I go again, removing the small blade from my mouth and slicing his arm. He yelps in pain and I use the distraction to look into Cara’s direction. She nods in understanding.

Bullets start flying everywhere as Cara and Ari shoot at Anika and Vladislav. They also remove their weapons and start shooting. With the noise, I jump on Dimitri, my leg criss-cross around his neck and I use the blade to cut his throat open. “Death awaits any man who chooses his life over death.” I whisper as he chokes on his own blood and I break his neck. As his body go limp, as I say the rest of the rules.

“For it is the right of the king to live and all others to die loving his sins.”

“In the mouth of the Queen, lies the King’s heart, close it and suffer the King’s wrath.” My hands begin to shake as well

“A sign of weakness, is a sign of defeat.” And I begin to cry, not for being a widow but for succeeding in killing the monster that hunts my dream.

“Without the King’s orders, the Queen is not to exist.” The last rule echoes in the cage as I feel hands engulf me in a bone crushing hug. Cara whispers that everything is fine until my body suddenly feel weak, pain shooting through my chest. She looks at me and realises I’ve been shot. Vladislav falls to the floor as death take over him, the gun he was holding, falling to the floor.

I fall limp in Cara’s arms, remembering the face of my lover.

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P.s. please forgive all grammatical errors.

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