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Azmiah spotted the new commander, Sketch, walking into the cafeteria. She laughed a bit at seeing his helmet was still on. She waved as she approached him.
"Sir." He straightened his posture.
"I want to introduce the boys to you, but you may want to take your helmet off. Especially for the eating part." She chuckled, "we're not old order Mandolorians here."
"Ah yes." He put his hands on each side of his helmet and pulled it off of his head.
"You look young." Azmiah blurted out. He looked almost her age, other than a few troops here and there most of them looked at least a few years older than her. He had curly deep brown hair which had a red tint to it, big brown eyes, and three small hearts tattooed on his cheek under his left eye.
"Well, I am." He laughed nervously, his hand moved to his neck. "I'm only 20. Probably the youngest of the troops here. I assure you I am well trained and quite skilled though, General."
"Oh I didn't doubt your skill. I was just surprised, the previous commander actually looked older than any other clone I've worked with." She smiled. "Given that a commander who, according to what I've heard, held little respect for you, recommended you for this position- I'm going to assume you have quite the skill soldier."
"Thanks." He smiled.
"Okay, why don't we introduce you to the other troops of the 892nd battalion?" Sketch nodded at Azmiah's proposition.
"Troops! Attention please!" She yelled out to the room. Soon enough the room was quiet and the troops were all looking in her direction.
"I would like you to all meet your new commander, Sketch." She gestured to him. "I expect you all to show him the respect a commander deserves and help show him how we do things around here."
"Yes sir!" The room said in unison.
"Very good," she turned to Sketch and said quietly, "is there anything you'd like to say to them?"
Sketch began speaking to the room, "I wish it were under different circumstances but I am glad to be stationed with you all. I'm looking forward to getting to know more of my brothers and I hope to serve you well." He smiled and stepped back to show he was done speaking.
"You can all go back to eating now. Thank you for your time." Azmiah stated and the commotion in the room immediately picked back up. Azmiah turned to Sketch, "we should get your armor painted."
"Oh, I can do that."
"I'll get the paint out after lunch for you. Now you must be hungry, go get something to eat." She smiled and sat down with her own tray of food.
Sketch got himself a food tray, he planned to sit with the general but she was now surrounded by troops, they were laughing about something together. He liked how close the 892nd battalion seemed. He liked how genuinely caring Azmiah was. Sketch was looking for somewhere to sit when one of his brothers approached him and shook his available hand vigorously. He had a few scars on the right side of his chin and neck and what Sketch guessed were fang tattoos under his left eye. His hair was long and black at the roots but faded into a clean white color. "Nice to meet you commander, Sketch?" His brother said.
"Yes. Nice to meet you too...?" Sketch replied.
"Name's Fang." He smiled wide to show off the reason for his name, he had very defined canines.
"Let the man sit down Fang!" Another one of their brothers yelled at Fang.
Fang laughed, "Don't mind him. He's always getting on my case." Still, he began walking to their table and sat down. Letting Sketch sit across from him. The person who had yelled at Fang saluted. "I am Night. It's a pleasure to meet you, commander."
"You too." Sketch smiled. Night intrigued Sketch, he had never seen a clone with his condition before. As an artist, Sketch wanted to draw it. There were blotches of Night's skin that were lighter than most of his skin. One of these patches went over his left eye, which was a creamy color while his right was a very dark brown. He had almost black hair styled in a buzz cut.
"My condition doesn't affect my abilities at all." Night stated.
"Oh sorry, I just have never seen a clone with vitiligo. I think it looks really cool."
"That's what I keep telling him!" Fang exclaimed, teasingly slapping Night's shoulder.
"Your hair is cool too." Sketch said to Fang.
"Oh thanks! It actually doesn't have pigment naturally so I like to dye the roots black. I swear, Night gets the height and the cool skin. I'm just stuck with the short end of the stick."
"Literally," Night laughed. Sketch looked a bit confused.
"Oh, we're twins and that caused some physical defects. I'm shorter than a clone should be, and the hair pigment thing. Night has vitiligo and he stole all my height." Fang laughed and glared at Night like he had any say in the matter.
"That's cool." Sketch said as he took a bite of food.
"So, what do you think of the general?" Fang asked.
"Hm?" Sketch looked up, his mouth full of food.
"The general. What do you think?"
Sketch swallowed, "she seems very nice, like she really cares about her troops. That's good to see. I wonder what her padawan is like." He took another bite of food.
"She doesn't have one." Night informed.
"I thought they were trying to get as many Jedi to help in the war as they could?" Sketch questioned.
"They are." Fang said, still with a mouth still full of food. He swallowed, "they won't give her one because they're afraid she will teach them her 'theories'" he finished.
"That's weird. She seems really nice." Sketch puzzled.
"She is." Night emphasized. "Fang loves gossip, I swear he will tell anyone anything."
"Hey, even you know I'm not wrong on this one!" Fang defended himself.
"That doesn't mean you need to go around telling everyone who can listen."
"Do you guys know what these theories are at all?" Sketch asked.
"No. But it's nothing you should be concerned about. Fang is just annoying." He playfully slapped Fang on the head. Sketch chuckled.
"So what's with the hearts?" Fang asked, referencing Sketch's tattoos.
"Oh, these are nothing really. I just thought it looked nice and would make me a little more recognizable." He smiled and continued eating.

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