"Overly excited adults creep me out" Nobara sighed as the lid of the container popped open to reveal Yuji appearing out of it making a weird pose

"Opp!" He shouted

"It's your departed friend Itadori Yuji!!" Gojo said as Yuji was met with the freaked out faces of his friends



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"Gojo they don't seem happy to see me" the boy said deflated, as he felt someone pull his hair back

"So you die for two months and re appear in a box?" Shiloh half questioned, yuji giving her a comical guilty look

"I did miss you though, so I'll let this one slide" She sighed, the pink haired boy wrapping his arms around her
"Missed you too!" He wailed before Nobara kicked him off

"Hey! Got anything you want to say?" Nobara said, slightly tearing up

"I'm sorry for keeping quiet about being alive?"


"Excuse me.." Yuji said meekly as he held up a picture frame "depending on how you look at this, this could be considered an extreme form of bullying" Yuji squeaked as everyone ignored him,

"Shut up and stay like that" Nobara huffed

"Now now, you heard his explanation let's cut him some slack, the real culprit is Gojo" Shiloh stated

"That's true" panda stated

"The panda talked?" Yuji gasped the group discussing their plans now that yuji sudden appearance had derailed them

"By the way Nanami, your cousins super cool" Yuji smiled as the girl handed him a glass of water

"my cousin?" Shiloh questioned

"Nanamin!" Yuji smiled

"He trained me during those two months I was away, but it was top secret" Yuji stated

"Ohh, That makes sense" She hummed
"Yeah, he is pretty cool" Shiloh smiled "have you ever tried kicking him? It's super hard even for me" She giggled

"By the way yuji, give me my slaughter demon back" Maki stated, the pink haired male freezing up infront of him, Shiloh focusing her attention elsewhere

A small lizard made its was to the porch where the Kyoto students were holding their meeting having been controlled by Shiloh

"Shiloh , you're quite, what's wrong?" Maki asked as she noticed the girls concentrated expression

"I'm using my technique to listen in on kyotos meeting" She stated
"How come?" Megumi asked
"I have some suspicions I want to clear up" the light haired girl said, clicking her toung

"I'll repeat what Gakuganji is saying." She stated
"How's she doing that?" Panda questioned

"I'll explain later," Megumi sighed

"Kill Sukanas Vessel, Yuji itadori" Shiloh stated making everyone go silent and listen " do not consider the target human. We'll take care of the cleanup and make it look like an accident. There's no need to hold back" Shiloh repeated, still listening in

"Aoi said he will kill each of the Kyoto students and has stormed off to watch his idol show" She hummed standing up and going to get water

"Your technique is super useful" Yuji gasped Megumi and the second years staring at her wide eyed

"Why would they do that??" Nobara questioned.

"Gakuganji is apart of the higher ups right? The same higher ups that just tried to dispose of Itadori two months ago" Shiloh said

"Now that he's found out he's still alive he's obviously gonna be pissed and will want to kill him again, and the exchange event is the perfect opportunity to" She stated

"but wouldn't the Kyoto students feel guilty?" Yuji frowned

"Nope" Shiloh smiled shaking her head and popping the "p" sound

"they don't know you like that," She stated

"to them you're just the vessel of sukana, the same as a curse, plus they're not gonna go against their headmasters wishes," Panda shrugged

"That does make sense actually...a lot of sense" Maki hummed

"Why don't you just talk to them, aren't you their friend?" Nobara asked

"I could, but Noritoshi is dead set on appearance due to being the next clan head so he woke budge, Todos todo, Miwa will probably be against it and momo Mai and mechumaru will do whatever's more suitable for them which is listening to a higher up" Shiloh yawned

"Just keep your guard up Itadori. And don't die, I'll be watching you so if anything happens I'll make my way over"


"Why are there so many crows??" Yuji questioned

"Some of them are mine, some are miss Meis" Shiloh stated earning an "ohh" from her friends

"Overwhelm them! Let's thoroughly trounce them!" Nobara cheered raising her hand. "For Makis sake!"

"Don't say stuff like that" maki sighed
"Pollack roe"

"We'll in that case" Yuji said crouching down. "Let's win!" He smiled as maki kicked him over
"What are you doing taking the lead?" Maki questioned

"Ow" yuji sulked

"Ow" yuji sulked

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