Chapter 9: Anticipation

Start from the beginning

"We understand your situation, but What is this about?" Hak said as both Yona and I were lifted in the air to try and keep the villagers away from us "Red hair! She has red hair!" "It's so beautiful!" "And the Orange Hair!" "it's so shimmery and bright!" "Hak, did you hear? They called my hair beautiful" Yona said as Hak put us down slowly "Uh Yes Princess I heard"

"It is unusual, but do the people here worship red and orange hair or something?" Yun asked as he helped me sit down again "Red hair evokes special memories within our clan. The first White Dragon served a red-haired master"

Yona grabbed a strand of her hair "Really? I always hated my hair" "You mustn't say such things! Having it is an honor. You said you were sent here by an Oracle You may be the Red Haired one we've been waiting for...But you also may not be" I snickered as I watched the group deflate at his words "so now that we know where the village is, If she isn't, what will you do to us"

"In any case, the bird songs are lovely this time of year" "Hey! Don't change the subject!" I watched as Yun moved to stand between Hak and I "Hey, Lightening Beast. You'll Protect me If it comes down to it, right?" "we'll see" I chuckled as Yun's face morphed into fear "don't worry Yun. I'll protect you" he nodded with a relieved smile.

Yun turned back to the Village elder "What makes the White Dragon so special? Aren't all these villagers the White Dragon's descendants?" the man nodded "That's right. However, only one villager possesses the power of the White Dragon. He is born with a dragon inside his right hand"

Everyone had decided to come sit on the ground with me after the village elder went to go find the White Dragon "What's wrong, Princess?" I turned to look at Yona when I heard Hak's words "It's extraordinary" she said as she stared out at the villagers "Huh?" "When a child is born with the power of the White Dragon, the dragon's blood disappears from the previous White Dragon. The bloodline must be maintained until the dragon's power is needed again. And I came to borrow such a power" she looked guilty.

"Are you giving up?" I asked but Yona shook her head with a smile "Yuri! Lend me your sword! I've made my decision. I won't turn back. But if the White Dragon won't help us, you'll have to train me more!" "Train?" my body froze when I heard the darkness in Hak's words "what's she talking about Yuri" he asked with a dark smile on his face. I sighed and closed my eyes "Yona asked me to teach her how to fight. She wanted to learn with a sword but I wouldn't let her so I gave her the bow to learn instead" I felt him stand up and I could feel the anger radiating off him.

"Why would you do that?! It's your job to protect her so why should she need a weapon. Are you that weak that you can't do it on your own?!" something inside of me snapped. I stood up and punched his cheek "How DARE YOU!!! If anyone is the weak one, it's you!! You're the one who left, and I was the only one left to protect Yona"

I pulled my coat and built in shirt that covered my chest and showed the bandages that went over my should and wrapped from the top of my chest to my pants line "unlike you I didn't run. I fought for Yona" I sneered with a glare "that is why I am teaching her how to shoot a bow" Yona patted my shoulder "it's ok Yuri" I shook my head and moved to stand beside Yun who had also stood up. "Where are the intruders? There they are" I turned at the voice that was coming closer to us.

 "Where are the intruders? There they are" I turned at the voice that was coming closer to us

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