Saved By Branch/The Plan/Camp Out

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🎶Just riding on a rainbow🎶

🎶I'm gonna be okay🎶

Ruby and Poppy:🎶Hey! I'm not giving up today🎶

🎶There's nothing getting in my way🎶

🎶And if you knock, knock me over🎶

🎶I will get back up again🎶

🎶Oh! If something goes a little wrong🎶

🎶Well you can go ahead and bring it on🎶

'Cause if you knock, knock me over🎶

🎶I will get back up again🎶

🎶Whoa, oh, oh, oh🎶

🎶Oh, get back up again🎶

🎶Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh🎶


They've walked through rain, desert, blizzards, water, monsters, and storms.

Poppy:🎶I'm marching along I've got confidence

🎶I'm cooler than a pack of peppermints🎶

🎶And I haven't been this excited🎶

🎶Since I can't remember when🎶

🎶I'm off on this remarkable adventure🎶

🎶Just riding on a rainbow🎶

Then Poppy starts to have doubts in herself.

🎶But what if it's all a big mistake?🎶

🎶What if it's more than I can take?🎶

🎶No, I can't think that way🎶

🎶'Cause I know that I'm really, really, really gonna be okay🎶

🎶Hey! I'm not giving up today🎶

🎶There's nothing getting in my way🎶

🎶And if you knock, knock me over🎶

🎶I will get back up again🎶

🎶Oh, if something goes a little wrong🎶

🎶Oh, if something goes a little wrong🎶

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Trolls: First Adventure BeginsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat