Chef Invades Troll Village

Start from the beginning

Poppy gasped "Creek!" and then he was put in the fannypack along with the Snack Pack as Fuzzbert tried to jump out, but Chef caught him and put him back in and continued to look around until she felt something hitting her big toe and looked down to see it was King Peppy as he was hitting her big toe with his staff while saying "Bad Bergen! Bad, bad Bergen" and then Chef starts bending down to grab him as both Poppy and Ruby saw this and gasped before shouting while running towards King Peppy "Dad/Your Majesty!".

They quickly got him and hid under the giant mushroom and Poppy draped her hair over them and it was disguised as moss while Chef looked under there to see the moss. Ruby felt her heart beating as she felt scared and was shaking a little as she held her breath and then Chef scoffed as she got up and then looked at what is left of Troll Village as she starts to say "Thanks for throwing the biggest… the loudest…" and Cooper popped out of the fannypack finishing the sentence "The craziest party ever" before he was stuffed back into the fannypack and then Chef zips it up before leaving.

Once Chef left, Poppy lifted up her hair and looked around as the village was ruined and Ruby didn't know how to help Poppy and then all the Trolls came out of hiding and went to their princess for answers. "Is it coming back?" One Troll asked and then Harper asked "What are we gonna do now?".

King Peppy then says "We have to find a new home. Everyone, hurry. We have to leave before the Bergens come back" and this shocked both Poppy and Ruby by what King Peppy said. "Your Majesty, we can't leave our friends! We have to rescue them" Ruby argued as she didn't want to abandon her friends, but King Peppy just said to the human girl "No, we have to run" before looking at everyone and says "Now, let's go, everyone. Come on!" and then Poppy pointed out "What about 'No Troll left behind?'" and this made King Peppy stop for a moment before looking at his daughter and says "I'm sorry, Poppy. That was a long time ago. And I'm not the king I once was".

Poppy looked at Ruby, who nodded as they both had the same idea as Poppy says "Then we'll go. We'll go and save them" and King Peppy looks at her and says "No, Poppy. It's too dangerous" and Ruby looks at him and says "But... Your Majesty, we have to at least try. I'll never forgive myself if anything happens to our friends" and King Peppy looks at her and says "I'm sorry, Ruby, but no. You can't go to Bergen Town by yourselves. It's impossible" and Ruby looked away as she thought for a moment before an idea came into her mind.

Inside Branch's Bunker

Branch was looking at the now fixed invitation as it sang "Celebrate freedom from the Bergens. Celebrate freedom from the Bergens" and while looking at it, Branch looked over at two shelves filled with Poppy's invitation that she sent to him over the years and then looked at a photo frame that had a picture of himself and Ruby as she had took the photo while she was smiling with a wink and while Branch had his usual grumpy face in there.

Then suddenly he hears knocking on door, making Branch gasp, closes the invitation and quickly shoves it with the others but in the process the other invitations fell and started making noises. "No! No! No!" Branch begged as he scrambled to put them back and managed to get them in and then looks up when he heard his name being called.

Meanwhile Outside Branch's Bunker

When the knocking didn't work, Poppy decided to bang on the door while shouting his name as Ruby watches while standing in front of the door mat "Branch! Branch! Branch! Branch, are you in there? Huh?" and then the door mat opens as Branch looked at Ruby and asked "Hey Ruby, how was the party?" and Ruby looked at him and replied "The party's over Branch" and Poppy came into the conversation and said "She's right. We just got attacked by a Bergen" and Branch said "I knew it" and the door mat fully opens as Branch quickly dragged the two girls inside and set up the traps for the Bergens. Once that was done, they sat in the middle of the floor surrounded by mousetraps.

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