The room was dark, so I couldn't see anything at first. I walked over to his bed where I saw his sleeping silhouette. I placed my hand on his chest and felt his chest rise.
Thank goodness.

I turn the lamp on and thats when I saw what Cole was talking about. My father looked like a human skeleton, his color had completely left his body. His cheeks were sunk in and he had purple circles under his eyes. If I didn't see him breathing I would have sworn he was already dead. I grabbed his hand and he felt cold and clammy.

"What happened to you dad? Why didn't you tell me something was wrong?" I whisper and start to cry. Why wouldn't he tell me he was sick. Why didn't he just come to me for help.

It was things like this that I hated being alive. Everyone was always scared about me losing control. They always acted like I was gonna blowup at any moment. I'm sure thats why he kept it from me, and why Mark kept it from me as well. I put his hand on my cheek.

"Dad don't leave me, I need you still. You have never gave up on me even at my lowest times. I already lost mom, I can't lose you too." I cry.

He doesn't move, his breathing was low. Wolves don't get sick, it not in our nature. There had to be something making him sick. "I'm not gonna let you die like this, I promise dad."



As we reach the area where Coles men were staying. We hid in the tree line and waited for my men to show up.
"Alpha I'm here." I turn back and to see Dom jumping off a tree. Dom has been scouting for me for years now. He's actually one of my top dogs I have.

"Hey Dom, did you see anything?" I mind link to him.
"Ya, they just arrived. One is sitting by the fire and the other is inside the tent."
"Alright, you and I will take the guy sitting by the fire. Sean and Nate, you guys will get the one in the tent." I mind link to them. "But remember keep them alive."
"Yes Boss!"

We quietly sneak up to their campsite, until we are only a few feet away. One of the men was sitting by the fire smoking a cigarette and the other saw him near the tent getting his shoes on.

"Now!" I mind link to them and we jump out charging at them.

I ran up to the guy siting by the fire and tackled him to the ground. I pinned him down and put his hands behind his back. I looked over to see Sean and Nate, successfully tying up the other man and Dom starts tying up this guy. I yank him up to a sitting position and punch him in a face.

"Where's Cole!" I yell, but the man doesn't say a word. I grab his shirt caller and punch him in the face again.
"Where's Cole!" I ask again. The guy looks up and one of his eyes are already swollen shut.
"You idiot." He say and starts laughing. I continue to punch him till a few teeth fall out.

"Wanna call me an idiot again." I say. He starts to cough up blood. "I'M NOT GONNA TELL YOU AGAIN, WHERE'S COLE!" I use my Alpha voice and this time I saw fear in his eyes.

"I-I don't know? They never told us what are jobs were, just that we should wait here." He says.
"Wait here for what?" He coughs up more blood and I lift him up by his neck. "Wait here for what!" I ask again.
"He..he wanted us to wait here for him when he got the girl. He said that they were gonna bring her here tonight." He say and I throw him to the floor.

"SHIT!" I say "It was a fucking trap. I need to head back, you guys bring these guys back to the camp site and tie them up. Dom you stay here incase Cole comes back."
"Yes sir."

I head out running back to Athena. I shifted into my wolf and ran as fast as I could. I can't believe I didn't listen to her. She had a feeling something wasn't right, but my stubborn ass just wanted to kill the son of a bitch.

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