Chapter 51-63 (end)

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Chapter 51 Holding Hands
Jin Zhengqing hasn't passed the gas yet. Although it hurts a lot, he can't take painkillers and can only live with it. Cold sweat breaks out on your forehead?

Lin Xiao just talked to her, but she didn't have much energy to say even though she was in pain. The main thing was that Lin Xiao talked and she listened.

She is a native of the city. Even if she has been to the northwest and Jiangnan, she has always worked in the city, so she is still curious about the countryside.

Lin Xiao told her about the situation in Xiheya, what the members did and ate, and some interesting things in the village, including the quarrel between Lin Nai and Ma Yinhua.

Lin Xiao's young voice was sweet and pleasant. In addition, she had a talent for telling stories and had a good grasp of the rhythm of her words. Jin Zhengqing's originally desolate heart calmed down.

Not long after, Han Zhao and Lin Fang arrived.

They borrowed a bicycle and rode very fast on the road. Han Zhao was sweating faintly on his forehead. Concerned that the patient was a lesbian, he waited in the corridor outside the ward and did not go in.

Lin Fang was carrying a small baggage, which contained two changes of underwear for her and dinner for Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao took Lin Fang and introduced her to Jin Zhengqing, "Sister Jin, my eldest sister is stronger than me and is diligent and quick. She is very suitable to take care of you. If you need anything, just talk to her. Don't be embarrassed." "

Jin Zhengqing tilted his head and looked at Lin Fang, and nodded to her, "Then, please trouble Fangfang."

Lin Fang was a little shy when she saw outsiders, but she still responded: "No trouble, I will take care of my baby when she is sick. I am very good at it."

Lin Xiao asked the two of them to get acquainted with each other a little while she went outside to look for Han Zhao with her lunch box.

Han Zhao was sitting on a long iron stool in the corridor. The stool was not high enough, and his long legs could only be stretched out. When he saw Lin Xiao coming out, he immediately stood up and said, "This stool is cold, go and sit over there."

There is a wooden chair next to it, which is better than the iron stool.

Lin Xiao smiled, followed him to the side, and told him carefully about Jin Zhengqing.

When she was talking, Han Zhao listened quietly and did not interrupt. He only understood Jin Zhengqing's affairs and did not inquire about it.

After Lin Xiao finished eating, Han Zhao took the lunch box and asked her to go back to the ward to talk to others and then go home soon.

Lin Xiao went back and said goodbye to Jin Zhengqing, "Sister Jin, I'll come to see you tomorrow."

Jin Zhengqing was weak, but his eyes were much clearer than before, "Don't worry if you're busy, I'll come back to see you."

Lin Xiao asked her to have a good rest, put her cloth bag on her back and go back first.

When they arrived at the door of the ward, Lin Xiao handed Lin Fang a few dollars and two pounds of food stamps, "Go to the cafeteria to get food. Eat whatever you want, don't give it up."

Lin Fang hurriedly said: "Brother Han Zhao gave it to me?"

Lin Xiao signaled her to take it and take good care of her.

By the time she got home, it was getting late, and Mrs. Lin had already sent the two children to bed. She sat on the kang and waited.

After Lin Xiao washed up, he got on the kang and said to Nai Lin, "Nai, you wait until I am discharged from the hospital before going back to the countryside."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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