Chapter 2

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I have powers!?


Two week in, and Y/n surprised himself when he managed to survive this long. Who knew getting a job at an old couple's shop was easy?

They didn't even asked for ID or where he schooled at.

He happened to come across the store when he was wondering for any part time jobs that'd take him without asking for IDs. And oh did he hit the jackpot.

His role in the shop was as any other under-paid worker-- be the cashier, clean and mop the floor occasionally, restock the goods, and guard the hidden safe(Y/n doesn't get why the eldery couple dicided to place it behind the counter, but they did).

Speaking if the eldery couple, the husband, Makino Kazae, is a 76 year old man with a breezy hair. Kinda fitting since his name is somewhat similar to wind(Kaze). When Y/n first met him, he's think that the old man was the cold and antisocial type of old man, but that was just his facade, mostly to scare off punks who'd take advantage against them to their shop.

But, whenever he's alone with his wife, Makino Kiyo, he's be the most expressive and gentle man a man can get. Speaking of his wife, Kiyo is also and eldery(obviously) who's in her mid 80s. That's a four years age gap, quite a mix, considering that it would be a slightly older men that marries slightly younger women.

And as the name suggest, Kiyo(Kiyomizu= pure water) was the most pure and kind-hearted person that he had yet to meet.

When he first came in to try ask for a job, with a singular glance, Kiyo could tell that Y/n was hungry, and with his slightly ragged clothing, she came to the conclusion that he was sleeping in the streets. She then immediately puts him on a chair and fed him like a grandma would when her granchildren would visit in the weekends.

And honestly, Y/n was embarrassed that he was that easy to read.

After being fed with a balanced meal, Y/n thought he'd try to ask for a job here, and luckily, they agreed. They needed the manpower anyways, with how old they're becoming. He was given the job, and they even offered a small room for him to sleep. He couldn't be more happy, considering his circumstances.

And now, almost two weeks in his new job, Y/n can confidently say that he has grasped his new daily routine.

Early the morning, he has to wake up by 6 a.m. to first ready the store. He starts with cleaning up any slight mess and rearrange the stuff to sell. After, he would go on a light jog, just because he wanted to.

Then, after he was done, he'd come back to the store/house to shower. After that, he dressed neatly and prepare for opening the store for the day at 7.30 a.m.

From then, it was mostly the mundane duty of the ordinary cashier. Greet any passerbys, help any eldery that stop by to buy things, help kids that want to reach candies that are too high up, and stuff.

Just the mundane things, nothing more. Honestly, Y/n thought that agter reincarnated, he'd be able to join the main cast in their adventures, but he guess heave to settle with this.

Well, if it was any consolation, he finally found out what his Quirk is. How did he found out? The situation is as follows...


One day, while Y/n was restocking a box of instant ramen on a shelf using a step-ladder, he could hear from where he was the chatters of kids outside of the store.

The sound of their little footsteps litters the shop's insides when they swing the glass door open and rushed merrily. One of them, a boy with short wavy hair specifically, ran in directly to where Y/n is.

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