Yep. This is definitely the protagonist of the show. Otherwise known as the kid who was given All Might's powers and has no idea how to use it. What was his name again?

Well whatever. I'm sure i'll learn it when I actually meet him next time.

Shinso and I quickly found our seats in the auditorium and waited for the briefing of the practical exam. We didn't wait long as the lights suddenly dimmed and a man with gravity-defying long blonde hair took the stage.

Present Mic then proceeded to explain how the exam would work, with each applicant must score points by taking down as much 'villains' as possible before the timer runs out. There were seven examination sites where all the applicants would be randomly placed into each one.

"So they don't intend on letting people who go to the same school work together huh?" Shinso drawled as he peeked over to my ticket . Like the written exam rooms, he is in site D while I am in site C.

"It doesn't matter. We can't be called heroes if we can't take care of ourselves. Let's kick some ass Hitoshi." I looked at him while raising my fist.

"You bet." He replied as he gave me a fist bump.


— The Warping Hero —


After taking the assigned buses that'll take me to the examination sites. I quickly changed my attire in of the changing rooms that's more fit for combat. I'm wearing a red tracksuit with holsters for my kunai's.

Applicants are allowed to bring whatever gear they want as long as they sent a form beforehand to the school. The daggers I'm using are a gift from my dojo instructor as a congratulatory gift for finishing the combat classes at his dojo. They're custom made tri-pronged kunais that fit perfectly in my grip.

I closed the locker that stored my belongings and headed out of the changing room with my head held high. All around me I could see the other applicants either warming up or just standing around waiting for the test to start.

What definitely surprised me is the fact that U.A has mock cities. How rich could they be to have 7 of these cities and use them as examination sites, where teenagers are given free reign to battle it out with robots of their own making.

I shook my head at that thought. Now's not the time to be distracted.


The sound of Present Mic suddenly came from one of the speakers. His loud voice jolting every applicant out of their thoughts. It's obvious that his sudden declaration caught everyone by surprise.

Not me though.

My hand quickly reached my holster and, with a precise movement, threw a single kunai straight into the air. It moved upwards in a diagonal angle, and as it reached a good height, the marker that was placed on the handle glowed and I teleported to its side in an instant. I launched it again in slightly lower angle to maintain my momentum and to have a better perspective on the mock city.

I continued doing so until I spotted my first faux villain. A robot built like a tank with what seems like missile launchers on its back.

'A three-pointer.'

I landed right in front of the robot while stabbing a kunai through the ground where I was standing. The faux villain quickly noticed me as it charged towards my location. I psyched myself up as I closed our distance and threw a kunai at the robot's direction. I flashed towards my dagger as soon as it reached above the robot and placed a tag on its head. I teleported back to my original location and threw a kunai close to the roof of a nearby building.

MHA: The Warping HeroМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя