《breakfast in bed》

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Joe's pov:

I woke up to the sound of the toilet flushing and hushed whimpers,I sat for a second before I decided it was a good idea to go and check on y/n to make sure she's ok.she has been sick the past week with a really bad stomach virus and a stuffy nose and it's been absolutely terrible for her.

I was greeted with the sight of y/n hunched over the sink while lazily brushing her teeth.she look absolutely exhausted "hey baby"i said as I started to rub her shoulders.she didn't say anything and just slightly groaned as she laid her head back into my chest "ok let's get you back into bed y/n/n" I told her as I held her hair back so she could spit the toothpaste out.

We walked back into our shared bedroom and she immediately fell onto her side of the bed and got comfortable under the covers.i sat with her and rubbed her back for a few minutes before I made sure she was asleep.i grabbed my phone of my end table to check the time

5:37 AM

I wasn't able to go back to sleep so I pushed my self up slowly so I didn't wake her and walked downstairs into the kitchen.

Y/n pov:

...I groaned as I woke up and rolled over to lay with Joe but I was just met with the cold pillow on his side.

I went to go sit up but I was met with a massive wave of nausea. So I laid back down and sat there for a few minutes.i sit for a few minutes and start to wonder where joe is until I heard his loud footsteps walking up the stairs.

He walks in and I'm met with the sight of my amazing boyfriend Joe with a tray of food and a few bottles of medicine and a bottle of ginger ale.he walks over to our bed and sets down the tray.

"I made you some breakfast and I got you medicine to help you feel better"he says smiling at me from the foot of our bed.he grabs a piece of buttered toast and hands it to me "i don't want you eating anything else first before this cause you gotta be able to keep this down first"he grabs the bottle of acetaminophen and a few tums and hand me some "make sure you eat the toast first and then wait a few minutes to take the medicine"he says as he gently lays back on the bed next to me

I do as he says and take my meds and eat a little bit more.after a little while the meds start to kick I and i am feeling a bit better.i rolled over onto my side and bury my head in the crook of his neck.he grabs my waist and pulls me into him more.

We sit like this for a little bit more before I start to get up "I think i am going to go take a shower or something in a little bit"my voice is horse as I talk for the first time all morning"why don't I go get a bath started for you and you can sit in there for a little bit and relax Joe says in his usual calm voice

I don't respond and just slowly nod at him.i watch him get up and walk into our bathroom and turn the lights on.he grabs a bath bomb and Epson salt and starts running the bath with warm water.

After a few minutes he comes back into the room and picks me up off the bed and bring me into the bathroom.he sits me down on our counter and grabs a towel and puts it next to me. He's gently grabs my shirt and pulls it over my head,then he takes off my shorts and underwear (don't worry this isn't going to be dirty)

He guides my to the bath and helps me step in.he leans down and gently lays a few soft kisses on my forhead as he sits on the edge of the bath."are you feeling any better"he says as he grabs a bath tray and puts it over me on top of the bath tub

"A bit"i respond quietly he nods and grabs the iPad and places it on the tray along with a bottle of water and he puts on a movie on Netflix for me to watch as I sit in the warm bath.he grabs my soap and slowly starts to lather it on my shoulders and arms

He rubs it in for a few seconds before grabbing a wash cloth and washing it off.after a little bit he helps me out and grabs a fresh pair of pajamas for me to put on .

Once I'm done I join him on our bed and I lay back into him.he massages my scalp for a few minutes before I give in and let sleep take over.

•°HEY GUYSSS IM FINALLY BACK.sorry I haven't updated in so long ,I've been so busy with school work and I was taking a break from social media and stuff for a bit...but now I'm back so it's all good°•

I had such bad writers block so I'm sorry if I didn't finish any requests .I just thought of this a few days ago and decided to write it so I didn't forget about it lmao.

I will try to update more for you guys starting soon .

♡951 words♡

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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