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Entire Bihar was bustling with excitement and happiness as today the Crown Princess of Vaishali was returning from France after two years.

The subjects were delighted to hear this news and were preparing for her welcome from past one week.Everyone adored Her,like their own.Every family wanted their daughter to be like her.

She was the pride of Vaishali Empire.They were fulfilled by the steps taken by her but no one knew what she had gone through all these years to just be what she is today!

She was taunted and degraded from her own grandparents just because she was a girl.Her parents couldn't give her proper attention and love because of their duties,they had apologized for their behaviour again and again but it didn't subsided any of her pains.She was abused by her grandmother and her grandfather sat silently seeing all this happening to her.

No one wanted to befriend her because she was a royal and danger lurked on people related to them.Those who claimed to be her friends were only there for her money and she was constantly taunted by most of people.

The only persons who made her happy were three her cousins and him.But he had to leave from there too because of his duties not that she complained but it still took away a part of her joy.

The whole city was enjoying and filled with bustling excitement but the Royal Palace was in chaos.The staff was running here and there to arrange everything.

A luxurious car was seen entering inside the palace as the guards opened the big doors of palace.

The magnificent palace of Vaishali came in view.The Royal Family made their way towards the entrance to welcome her.

The Royal Family made their way towards the entrance to welcome her

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