"Little sister, I think he will just be happy to see you... as long as you help repair any fences you break."

"Deal. I'll call when I can. Love you, Beth."

"Love you too."

Amelia came to a stop on the side of the road as she put her truck into 4 wheel drive.

"Okay, here's the plan. I'm gonna have to drive through a couple fences - luckily they are my family's so won't have to worry about property damage. And we might be coming into a firefight. I'm gonna hop in the back of the truck with the dogs and put the bags in here after I roll the cover back. Tool, you drive."

Amelia hopped out the driver's seat to do just that, opening the back door to let Winston and Tia out. The two dogs must've sensed that danger was about and so stuck behind Amelia. Tool got out and came around to the driver's side, Yang going into his previous spot with Lee joining Amelia. Lee and Amelia hopped in the back after arming themselves, Yang and Tool had begun to do so once their weapons bags were in the truck.

"Tool, keep your window down and I'll tell you where to go. I'll hit the side of the truck once to turn lights off and twice to stop and turn off the truck. Once we turn it off we will be almost in the danger zone. Got it? And once we get there, try to go for nonlethal shots."

"Got it, darlin'." Tool tipped his hat to her.

"Winston, Tia, up." Amelia commanded. The two dogs jumped up into the bed without question, sitting beside each other and waiting for further instructions. Lee stood in the bed on the left, Amelia on the right. "Let's go!"

With a roar, the truck was leaving the road and driving through the fields towards pasture 14.

By the time the truck was off, they could already hear the gunfire.

"Winston, Tia, track!" Amelia jumped out of the bed and dashed behind her two dogs, the others following just as silently as her footsteps. All of them had their guns cocked and ready. All of them were ready to defend her family from those that wished them harm.

Amelia came through the trees just in time to see a few of those from the reserve shooting at Rip and a couple ranch hands.

Without hesitation, Amelia raised her gun and fired, her bullets ripping into the shoulders of the shooters. Tia and Winston kept right on her as Lee, Yang, and Tool fired their shots as well. Rip turned his head so fast that Amelia was surprised he didn't have whiplash.

"Rip! Are all the cattle and our guys back on this side?" Amelia shouted over the gunfire.

"Amelia?!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, yes. It's me, Amelia. Focus!"

"Yeah, as far as I know, they all are."

"Good, we'll cover y'alls retreat. Get going!"


"Rip, not now. Go!" She knew that wasn't going to hear the end of that from him but he nodded as he whistled for the others to begin to retreat. "Tool, Yang, go with them. Take Tia with you."

The two Expendables nodded and began to retreat, Tia with them, growling at the current enemy. Soon, it was just Christmas, Amelia, and Winston. But the reservation attackers began to retreat on their own.

Finally, the gunfire died down. Amelia and Christmas looked around cautiously.

"Winston, seek." Christmas and Amelia began to sweep the area, making sure that there weren't any others left. Those that had been wounded by their bullets had been picked up by their comrades and taken back home to lick their wounds.

The Expendable DuttonWhere stories live. Discover now