chapter 12

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"hey Eddie what's up ?" Sam said answering the phone she had just gotten back from her shift at the station
" Well I have news so you know how I joined the fire academy well as of an hour ago I am now a problimanairy fire fighter"
"Oh Eddie that is amazing the station in le paso taking you on" she said as she finally sat down after a long night
"Actually I applied for the 118 "
"Wait like the 118 were I work ?" Sam said with a mix's of exsitment and curiosity
"Yeah I figured a move would be good you know I am still in the place I grew up and the house me and Shannon had and I know Chris would love to see you more "
"Eddie I honestly can't believe it when do you move"
"End of next month so I was wondering if in a couple weeks you don't mind coming down and helping out and bring so stuff back with you "
"Yeah I will have to clear it with Bobby but of course "

A month later :
"Sam " Eddie shouted from across the air port as he saw his best friend emerge from bag clam
"Eddie " Sam said as she ran up to him. He greeted her with open arms the pair stood their for a couple of minutes it had been around a year since Sam had come to visit.
" So tell me about every one" Eddie said as they walked to his car
" what ?"
" well I thought it would be nice to know a bit about everyone "
That car ride was spent telling Eddie about everyone and everything including the bet they had about weather cap and Athena were dating or not ( Sam agreed with hen that they were) Sam thought it would be best to stay back and make dinner while Eddie went to get Chris
"What for dinner ?" Chris asked as they walked in the house
" lasagne"
" but you can't make lasagne"
" but I can " Sam said as she pocked her head out of the kitchen
" Sam " Chris said as he wondered over to her Sam lent down and embraced her god son
"Oh I missed you "
"Why are. You here"
" I am just her for the week to help you get ready to move"

And just like that a week had gone it was full of nothing but fun and laughter with the pair of them Sam couldn't be more existed about the pending move . Sam got into the cab and have her address as much as she loved Eddie and Chris she was very existed to get back into her own bed that though was intruded by a loud crash a car had gone into the back of the cab.

The one 118 had been called to a pretty routine call basic car crash. Buck looked out the window lost in his own thoughts after Abby left he felt lost like he did something wrong he understood why she left but he couldn't understand why she stopped calling . While the others got their gear cap went to talk to the officer on site .
" ok the 122 have got the driver of the car so we go the cab but it Sam in the back she is awake and responsive so I need Chim and buck with her that means we got the driver" cap said gesturing towards hen
Bucks heart sank at the mention of her name the last couple of week all he could think about was Abby and what he did wrong but in this moment nothing else matter for the first time in weeks he couldn't care were she was what she was doing all that mattered was Sam all he could care about what her . 

" hey" Sam said as Chim and buck appeared to her side
" You know there were better way to let us know you were back " buck joked as Chim secured the neck brace
" what can I say I make a entrance " Sam joked back as the tow begin to check her out. buck smiled at her as he let out a sigh of relief as she was going to be ok. Sam was taken to the hospital she was ok just a mild concussion and a bruised rib . Sam slowly walked out of the hospital room to be greeted by the warm faces of the 118. they all jumped up and took a chance to hug her 

" I am fine but they said because of the pain meds they don't recommend that I dive so can someone give me a ride home?" 

"sure " buck said 

The car ride was quite after an eventful day Sam found herself falling asleep on him car window. This left buck alone with his thoughts he couldn't stop thinking about the crash when he hear that she was there he couldn't care about Abby or what eve the fuck she was doing it was then he realized he was upset she left he was upset she wasn't honest with him but looking over and seeing Sam at piece he realized that this is what he wanted he wanted her he just wanted love . 

"hey" buck said as he gently tapped Sam on the shoulder 

"shit sorry" she said as she stirred awake " so I was thinking about something and what just happened to made me realize I need to stop being a coursed and just say it. I like you Even and not as a friend well I do but like more then that" buck said there completely silent for a moment before letting out a small laugh " oh shit I fucked this up I am sorry forget what I said" she said as she leaves the car buck reaches across the seat and grabbes her hand he slowly lend over making there lips meat "well that was unexpected present but unexpected" 

" would you like to go out " 
" I would love to" 
" Friday at 8"  Sam went to leave the car but before she quickly trued around to kiss him. 

sam sat on the sofa with disbelief she got her phone out to call Eddie " hey" 
"hey you get back OK" 
"yeah just got back"
" thought you would have been back a while ago" 
" long story but i have news" 
" I have a date"
"Only you could meet someone and get a date at the airport "
"No it wasn't a stranger it was buck"
" Like buck who was going out with Addy "
" Not anymore she left and I kinda confused how I felt and the he asked me out"
"Wow that is amazing "
"I know everything feels good like I can look forward to the future "

buck x female ocTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon