The Want

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Some days it's almost imperceptible, the want, some days it's unbearable.

A feeling of loss for something as insignificant as attention, how pathetic is that, am I?

Years of being forgotten, wether intentional or simply because life got in the way.

Just a short time of your attention and I was hooked, completely at your mercy, I still am.

I knew I was prone to alcoholism, but who knew I could get addicted to a feeling? Or more specifically the feeling of fear of the unknown.

Who knew that I would be completely incapable of making my own sense of fulfillment?

I knew, I knew the second you gave me a look or laugh. The very moment you told me there was attraction. I knew from that moment on that I would never be the same.

It ebbs and flows like the tide in the moon's gravitational pull. And like the tide it's never truly gone, only faded into the distance, until it inevitably comes crashing back.

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