zelo imagine

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You and ZELO go for a walk one sunny afternoon, holding hands, when suddenly, the skies get really dark and rain lashes down from nowhere. You both let out small screams of surprise as the cold rain hits your skin and summer clothes. Within seconds, you’re both soaked to the bone. Zelo grins at you, his adorable smile, with a familiar glint in his eye. Zelo: "PUDDLE JUMPING!" He takes your hand and starts running. You manage to keep up with him as you jump in big and small puddles alike. Your jeans are darker than the rest of your clothes from ankle to knee, but neither of you care as the giggles pass your lips with each jump. As you jump in one particular puddle, you splash him unexpectedly, and he lets out some sort of war cry, making you laugh hysterically. You continue playing for a few more minutes, before deciding to make your way home, constantly kicking water at each other. You eventually arrive back, where you change into dry clothes, make some hot chocolate, and snuggle up on the sofa with the television on, you're safe and cozy in Zelo's arms♥ 

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