The Awakening

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Amelia looked around to view hundreds of candles glowing in the surrounding corners of the room.
It created a little bit of warmth in the icy stone temple that had awakened ancestors and leaders before her time. The candles flickered angrily and out of sync. Amelia felt comforted by that; it was nice to see something reflect what she internally felt.
Eternally... she thought...
Eternally she would continue to long for him.
She cringed at the thought of having to endure the new couple sharing public moments, small effectual pauses, like he once shared with her. She already loathed the empty and lonely nights without him but at least she knew he was also unaccompanied. After tonight he would never be just a King.
Forever he would be a King with his Queen.
Amelia's revulsion for the sleeping figure before her raged on. She pictured herself jumping out of body and lunging for the key's throat. It would only take a moment to drain her blood, her mouth secreted venom as she imagined the bittersweet taste of her odious Queen. Her muscles tensed and she unconsciously began to squat down as if she were going to pounce. Abruptly during mid-crouch she felt a hand on her arm and instinctively realized what she was doing. She stared up at Enya's wide-eyed expression of disbelief and was suddenly embarrassed. Amelia straightened herself up inconspicuously and looked away. Enya muttered in a whispered voice for only Amelia's ears to hear,
"Be patient Amelia...In time you well heal. We must protect her; she is the one to lead us to better days. Soon you will be thankful for her entering our lives. It will be worth all pain that we must endure for that... at least.
A small sacrifice you must make for the greater good."
"Greater Good? Small sacrifice? What are you sacrificing?
I'm giving up all happiness and my love!" Amelia hissed.
"Ahhemm" a cloaked figure said while making his way to his station. Amelia felt a resurgence of her earlier humiliation, and dropped the argument instantly. Now wasn't the time or place she thought. As if the world agreed with her, she suddenly became distracted by the sweet smell of his drifting scent. She responded immediately to the sugary aroma as he entered the room. She peered at Enya with narrowed eyes and left the Queen to take her own station. Enya followed Ameila's lead as she too noticed the entrance of their King.
Viliptous claimed a candle for each soul that had been woken to the Valkine Clan. It is here that each clan member stood next to his or her candle during the ceremony. Unlike a wake to celebrate the departed, this was a wake to celebrate the rising of a new beginning of eternal life.
Amelia admired her King and again breathed in his sweet scent as he passed by her location. She held her breath and tasted it.
She tasted him.
If she could cry, if her eyes were capable, now would be that moment.
Vilippe continued to walk toward the stone alter. His face a picture of serenity and beauty. His eyes were elated and joyous as he neared the sleeping figure that stretched out before him. He was draped in long black fabric; a color that represents authority and hierarchy in the coven. Amelia looked around to see the images of her coven draped in a sea of red. The crimson red wave of uniformity reminded her of the rage she consistently felt. Everyone here was welcoming the mood echoed by their King's reverence, everyone but Amelia.
Vilippe stood up and looked down at his Queen as she lay there, sleeping in a silent slumber. The lily Queen was draped in white flowing fabric that reached the length of the cold stone floor. Her hair was long and black as night and her face reminded Amelia of a porcelain doll. Looking at her beloved, she could read his love for his new Queen already. Snapping her head away in one quick motion, her nose crinkled from the scent of betrayal. Staring into the comforting swells of red waves, Amelia began to rage once more.

Aaron handed the dagger to Vilippe and nodded for the ceremony to begin. Enya looked towards Aaron and she felt his smile. Aaron initiated the ceremony by speaking in the native tongue of the Valkine. This was a language that she only understood after she was awoken. It is something that is inherited with the gift of eternal life and is the language of the ancients. Enya received chills once she heard Aaron's voice for the first time.

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