Chapter 5

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The screen revealed a small little cottage by the mountainside. A girl, not less than 8 years old came in view. She was a petite girl with shoulder length black hair and spectacles.

"Five guesses who that is" said Bellatrix boredly. Sirius shot her a glare. James and lily, on the other hand couldn't care less. It was their precious baby girl.

This little child was Anika Potter. She was sitting atop a tree brach reading a book about animagi. A blurred man was walking towards her whom she hadn't noticed.


"Shut up Black"

This man was revealed to be Remus Lupin, godfather of young Anika.

The mauraders tried hard not to laugh. "Think I am gonna attack her?" Remus questioned and grinned. But his face fell moments later. James knew what he was thinking. "Remus you are not a monster" he whisper yelled. "Yes I-I a-a-am. H-how do y-you know t-t-that I won't attack h-her?" He said. The three boys looked at him sadly.

Remus smiled at the little girl who was so engrossed in her book. "Anika, time for dinner, then we have to leave"  he softly said. "Alright just a second" she said as she got up and balanced herself on the branch with the support of the tree.

"Anika you're gonna fall" he softly said. "No I am not" and moments later there was a loud shriek which was replaced by an oof. Anika turned to face a smirking Remus Lupin. "Oh shove off" she playfully said. The both of them made their way to the cottage, chatting away happily while the screen blacked out.

"See moony, you are gonna be an amazing godfather" Sirius said. Remus managed to produce a weak smile at that. Wallburga grimaced and began whispering to Druella about the state of the house in which Remus raised Anika. Druella on the other hand was the least interested.

Sirius, who was overheared their conversation gave his darling mother a scathing glare. "Keep your opinions to yourself" he said loudly. "I clearly was keeping my opinions to my self since I didn't say anything disrespectful out loud" she said. Sirius huffed in annoyance while the screen lit once more.

Watching the future - Harry Potter (Marauders Era)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ