While walking through the halls we came across the corpse of a Guard, yet to be found by SCP-049. I noticed he didn’t have his gun or a Radio. Even the corpses of guards brought back to life by SCP-049 at least had a Radio. I noticed this and told the other two who are with me.

“Hold up, this Guard doesn’t have his Radio! There might be a D-Class listening on our Comms!” I said, but the other three sort of brushed it off.

“What would a rogue D-Class need a Radio for? Our Comms are on a separate Channel from those guards.” One of them remarked.

“The other Guards that were turned into instances of SCP-049-2 still had their Radios attached to their torso. Also this one was never turned into an Instance of SCP-049-2.” I replied.

“How? It could just be one of the Plague Doctors’ failed attempts to “cure” someone.” He chuckled.

I don't think the Plague Doctor has ever done such a messy job of Curing someone, it is always a small incision. This poor idiot got completely eviscerated!” I crouched down to get a better look at the injuries. “His Liver is just gone while everything else is either mostly intact or mutilated, from the injuries alone I have reason to believe that SCP-953 is also in the area, the injuries are almost identical: Severe Lacerations aimed at the lower torso, evisceration, and a missing Liver, no doubts that SCP-953 did it.” I explained, SCP-953 on top of this? Somebody needs to let the dogs out. I smirked a little.

“What’s got you smiling?” One of the other guys said.

“Nothing” I lied as I stood up and the smile slowly faded away.

“Alright let’s get moving on! We have no time to waste!” I said, heading in the direction we were going.

As we turned the corner we spotted a D-Class heading towards us, we raised our weapons and told them to stop but they kept approaching. I trained my rifle on their head and fired but the D-Class didn’t falter even after suffering what should be a fatal wound.

We continued firing, backing up as whatever this D-Class is made of kept approaching. Then the big reveal as one of the shots literally removed the flesh from the skeleton of the- 

“Oh god...” I said as the Skeleton of the D-Class then started sprinting towards us. I turned on my radio and broadcast a message to all channels whilst running away:

“SCP-3114 has breached containment! Site-19 is compromised! Epsilon-11 going in to arm the Alpha Warhead and blow it up!” I had to push SCP-3114 away with the ass of my rifle while speaking into the Radio.

We managed to knock them over and ran for our lives before we made it to a Keycard locked door. We opened it and headed inside, closing the door behind us. The Skeleton beat up the door and tried many methods of entering before it gave up.

“Holy shit, that was rough.” I said, breathing in-between words.

Me and the other MTF stayed still as we caught our breath.

“No shit, we gotta go detonate this shithole after we catch our breath.” Another MTF said, clearly breathless.

After we caught our breath we exited the room and went in the direction we ran from, hoping to find the Alpha Warhead elevator. It took a lot of time and ammo but we eventually made it. However, the elevator already appeared to be in use.

“Somebody got here before us, aim at the elevator! Hold your fire until I give the word!” I said, I had no right to command them but we’re all the same rank, somebody has to take charge.

The elevator dinged as it opened, revealing an instance of SCP-939... Sleeping? No wait, not sleeping anymore! I held my gun firmer and aimed for the head, it looked to be wearing some heavy body armor over its torso. Shit what do we do now? It’s getting up! Shit, shit! SHIT!

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