Chapter 93: Supriya & Parashuram: Road to Kailash?!!

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Story Unfolds :

At a sloppy green mountain road near Himalayan region: 2 yrs back:

One girl was trying tiredlessly to roam in the Himalayan region. To discover the way. To reach to the secret coven of Bhagwan Parashuram. But all her efforts were fruitless as she lost the direction several times. She had come here One year ago yet failed to see the Ashram. She came today again. As the Madra Naresh Shalya had helped her and gave her a map. To reach there. Shalya was also a devotee of Bhagwan Parashuram and he often came here to meet with him. Mind it, this was the same person who was appointed as the charioteer of Karna in the epic war of Mahabharata and was uncle and father-in-law of Sahadev. He was the elder brother of Madri, mother of Nakul-shahadev. Nakul married with Kaurnamati, daughter of mighty King of Maagadh, Jarasandha. Sahadev had married with Shalya's daughter Vijaya who was in relation his own cousin sister. She and her brother Arun, son of Shalya, liked Sahadev and his wise predictions very much.

The girl looked at the direction of sky. The time was summer and dawn. The Sun was hot over her head. The rays fell directly on her face. She felt warm and dizzy. Her throught was dried up as she was thirsty. Her both palms felt sweaty and legs felt quite numb. She was walking through the sloppy and muddy mountain roads for hours. Without taking a rest. She even lost the count of time. She did not know that for two years she was roaming madly in the same road. Over and over again.

She lifted her left palm and put it over her eyes. To see clearly. Her face was drenched with pearl like sweat drops that were dripping to her black eyes and blurring her vision. She made a face. By narrowing her eyes. To the Sun God or Surya Dev. It was a blazing hot Sunny day. She felt hungry, tired and thirsty. She did not know how far she had to walk now.

She wiped her sweat with the torn end of her Saree and opened her map. She was concentrating hard over it when a gust of hot wind came from nowhere and took the map away from her sweaty palms. She ran behind it. To catch it in vain. It toppled over the air and then disappeared somewhere. She suddenly stopped running and due to the sloppiness of the mountain region twisted her left ankle. She fall down on the floor limply. In depair. Her physical health was falling down. So also her mental strength. She had only one hope left!!! The map!!! That also now gone!!! How to reach to her destination now?!! She did not know that a little bit!!!!

Her head spinned. Due to hunger. She did not eat anything. After living the palace of Madra. King Shalya was very kind man. He welcomed her cordially and talked gently. He even instructed his Babwarchi or chef to make dinner of her liking. She had to reside in his palace for a week with heavy heart. As she did not know the way and she needed his help. In the meantime the became fast friends with Vijaya and Arun. They dotted upon her. As their own sibling. Shalya also loved her as his own daughter. That was another reason why Shalya took the offer of being the charioteer of her husband Karna so easily. As he considered him as his own son-in-law. This was the same Shalya who had to be soaked in the blood of Karna at the battlefield and to inform Duryodhan about the brutal murder of Karna. Kindly try to remember that Shalya was not a bit an evil man like his father Shalwa who misbehaved with Devi Amba (the details are written in my story on "Amba"). He was a truly righteous man who considered as a sage king, like King Janak of Treata Yug, unlike his father. He  loved all and all loved him.

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