Chapter 91: Arjuna's vow & Supriya-Karna reconciliation!!!!

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God!!! Why his angry tone matched to that of his eldest sibling Karna at the time of the death of Sudama!!! He too take the same vow!!!

In this way, the Mahabharata battle had already been started. Karna and Arjuna were preparing to stand up before each other. To end each other. Those two siblings never ended to be together!!! They were detached from each other in heart and soul!!! They were destined to kill each other!!!

At the Royal chamber of King: At the midnight: 3 months after:

One man was now standing tall in the balcony adjoined to his lavish royal bedroom chamber. He knew that his youngest wife Uruvi had gone!!! She went straight to both of her brothers. Duryi bhaiya and her Yudhhi bhaiya. In the faintest expectation that she could save her clan!!! Her family!! Her sons!!! And him too!!! She did not a bit knew that he was destined to die!!! His death was written in his forehead at the time of his birth!!! Unless why should his biological mother threw him up so mercilessly?!!! A child who was abandoned by his mother had to be perished sooner or later in his own life!! His struggles had saved him till now!!! But not anymore!!!! A war was looming on the horizon!!! Much more powerful and devastating than the war between Anga and Pukeya!!! And he was destined to take part in it!!! To show the world what Radheya Karna meant for!!!

He sighed softly. He was there to stop the infamous incident. Of the insult of Draupadi. Even if he never liked the proud and arrogant Princess of North Panchal, he never wanted her to be stripped off in open public. By her own Dewars or brother-in-laws. He was sent in a secret mission. By Mama Shakuni that day. But his spies had informed him that Duryodhan was planning to snatch the kingdom of his cousins and to insult their wife. So he hurried back. To stop his Param Mitra or best friend. To do the sin. But when he stepped into the room everything had happened. Yudhisthir had lost his brothers, himself and his wife. Along with his kingdom, jewels, servants, belongings and everything. He had not a single thing to do. How could he save a man who destroyed himself?!! Yet he tried to resonate with Duryi. As usual Mama Shakuni asked the same question about his loyalty. And he had to surrender. The question regarding his loyalty was a sensitive issue to him for all the times. He had proved his loyalty ample times. By winning the states under the head of Hasrinapur. By helping in the abduction of Kumari Bhanumati. By marrying his Supriya. His loyalty to Duryodhan was truly unquestionable. Yet Mama Shakuni loved to hurt him always by asking of it.

 Yet Mama Shakuni loved to hurt him always by asking of it

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Karna or Basusen

He smiled lifelessly. While watching The Star studded sky. He was now searching desperately for his Sudama. His first son who called him "Baba" for the first time. It was even his last word too. Before his death. At the time of Draupadi Swayambar.

He snorted aloud while recalling the evil smile of Mama Shakuni. How he loathed this man?!! He warned his friend Duryodhan of his uncle yet he ifnored Karna's valid pleads. He was a pawn in the hands of his evil uncle who was plotting against the dynasty even before the birth of Duryi!!! He wanted to avenge the murder of his clan and family. And he was using the Kaurava as his bait!!! You can see all by yourself that Karna was not a fool as Ved Vyas thought of himself!!! He knew everything!!! He understood everything!!! He had tried to stop the greatest war of Mahabharata!!! Yet he failed brutally!!! Like his youngest wife Uruvi!!!!

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