Chapter 98: Uru-Padma & Sons pleaded to Supriya!!

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However it was not a little bit a Right assumption. The jealousy and thatred between Karna and Pandava siblings were on the different reason. Supriya was not the reason. The four young Pandava had no knowledge of her but that did not mean they were truly disrespectful to herself. They did not know her identity. So they were aloof of her. They knew her elder sister Bhanu and cousin Charu as the wives of Duryi and Dus (Nick names of the Kumar Duryodhan and Dushashan). They respected them. They ignored her presence. As to them Supriya was just a maid and none else. Their this mistake would prove fatal at the time of the death of Karna. By the way let us concentrate on the story.

Padma looked expectantly to her Uru. But she was thinking something else absentmindedly. She felt offended and made a grouchy face. Unlike herself. To her beautiful face smile had suited most.

Uruvi was at that time rubbing her chin thoughtfully. She was thinking of the absurdity of the idea. She herself had tried hard to convince her Jiji yet she was reluctant to go with them. She saw no point in asking of the help of her young sons.

"Kya re?!! (What?!!)" Padma poked in her ribs.

With a gawk Uruvi looked at her Jiji in surprised fashion. By arching her eyebrows together.

              Devi Basavi Uruvi

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Devi Basavi Uruvi

Then she made a face and tried to straight her own back. She knew that her eldest sister had only own bad habit. To poke in anyone's ribs who did not pay any attention to her!!!

"Kya jiji?!! (What are you doing, my dear elder sister?!!)" She tried to message the place with her left palm on vain. The place was unreachable!!!

Uruvi made a crying face and lied on the lap of her sister Padma. She had a desire that her eldest sister would at this very moment message her back. At the palace where she poked just now!!!!

Padma understood the signal and she twisted her nose in fake rage. She, on the contrary, loved this childish kind of behavior of her baby sister. As she loved both Uru and Su as her own sisters.

She messaged Uruvi's ribs gently and asked in soft tone "Bahat laga?!! (Do it hurt most?!!)"

Uruvi first nodded her pretty head in agreement. Then with disagreement. She was not a bit hurt!! Just surprised that was all!!! She hid her face in the lap of Padma. Then smiled brightly.

Padma shook her head in dismissal. This girl!! Always loved to play with her emotions!!! Who could believe that she was herself mother of nine grownup sons?!!! Still foolish and so naive!!!!

"Bulalo!!! Ab toh wahi kuch kar sakte hain!!! (Call for them!! Now only they can do something!!!)" Uruvi replied to Padma happily.

Padma tilted her head proudly and nodded it in agreement. She had done it already!!! Uruvi did not know that a little bit!!! This girl was a master planner in her family!!! Behind each and every thing happened to her own family her plan worked!!! She had been proved as the apt Queen of her state!!! She was neither docile and devoted like Supriya nor proud and short tempered like Uruvi!!! Till she was alive the Sun of Anga state had never gone down!!!!

Supriya: Suryansh Karna's Devi (Karna Series 3) Where stories live. Discover now