Chapter 92: Supriya & Ganga: Road to Parashuram!!!

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Story Unfolds :

At a secluded dark small room of Anga: The next day:

One beautiful girl was looking at the rising Sun placidly. She had decided to fight for the lives of her near and dear ones. Her husband and her sons. As a wife and as a mother. She was not a bit interested to go through the lavish lifestyle when the possibility of a war was looming over the horizon. She was determined too. Like her other sisters. Padma and Uruvi. Padma was preparing to visit Hastinapur to talk with elders like Bhism, Drona, Vidur, Kunti, Dhritashtra and Gandhari. She wanted to talk with Satyabati and her two daugerinlaws Devi Ambalika and Ambika, mothers of Dhritashtra and Pandu but the news of their deaths had reached to her and she with her heavy heart had to change the plan. Of meeting them. Uruvi, Her adored baby sister, took the liberty to talk to both Pandava and Kaurava. So that she could patch up between them. In secret. None of their responsibilities were easy to do but they had to. For saving their clan. She, Devi of Karna, took the impossible responsibly to go to meet with his Gurudev and mentor Bhagwan Parashuram. She had to talk to him and ask him the way to save his life. At any cost. She was even too determined to go to the God's for him. She wanted to beg his life. As a wife it was as her duty. To try to save his life. And she was happy to perform it. Yes she was the heroine of our story Devi Supriya herself. Karna's Devi!!! His Goddess!!! So she took the impossible task on her hands!!! She had to prove herself apt for the title "Devi"!!!!

 Karna's Devi!!! His Goddess!!! So she took the impossible task on her hands!!! She had to prove herself apt for the title "Devi"!!!!

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  Devi Supriya (2nd wife of Karna)

A small sigh escaped her lips. She was so happy yesterday!!! To unite with him!!! Yet she had to leave him alone again!!! He would be hurt!!! He would he enraged!!! He would hate her for this decision!!! But she had no way left!!! To save his life!! That day of the Cheer Haran (stripping) of Draupadi Karna donated his life foolishly by a single utternece!!! Beshya or filthy girl with five husbands!!!! A most foolish move mby him!!!! He was not even a little bit guilty for what was going on with Krishna!!! Yet he chose to perish with his friend Duryodhan!!! He had chosen to die with him!! She as his loyal and devoted wife had to take the responsibility of his foolishness!!! She knew the anger of Arjuna would not let Karna go in the upcoming epic war of Mahabharata where he would be ready to cut off his enemy's head!!! In his own hands!!! She had to save him at any cost!!! As a wife she had to!!! A wife was not who lives with her dear husband at his good time only but one who could take responsibility of his all mistakes, guilts and sins!!!! She as a Karna Sangini was ready to jump in the fire with him!!! In literal sense!!! Alas!! She did not know that she had to do that in the near future!!! But I sincerely think that Supriya would not mind it a bit!!! She was his biggest devotee!!! His Meera!!! His Devi!!! She was his heart beat!!! Whenever his heart beat would stop to beat Supriya would happily take her last breath!!! With him!!!

She went near a table and put down her ornaments. One by one. First she put down her anklets whose sweet tune was so dear to his ears. Then she put down her kamarbandh that made a sweet sound whenever she walked. Then her necklaces that he loved to play with. Then her earrings gifted by her beloved Jiji Padma that suited her oval face best. Then she put down her gold bracelets and bangles that was gifted by him. Even the one pair of brecelet whose another pair she had donated to the royal doctor for giving her the good news about pregnancy of her baby sister Uruvi. She looked very simple yet sweet. Without any trace of jewels. On herself.

Supriya: Suryansh Karna's Devi (Karna Series 3) Where stories live. Discover now