Chapter 87: Supriya saved Anga from Binay Datt!!!

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However due to his this ulterior move the State of Anga was hungry for 3 days now. The ration had ended. The army members of Bhagdatt did not let the ration to enter into the capital. The masses of state were hungry and depressed. As a Maharani it was her primary duty to save her people. And more than that Bhagdatt challenged them openly to fight against him. She could not ignore it. It would be truly a cowardly act to ignore his challenge. But she had 1/5 army left in capital. A huge army left with Shone to assist Aswathamma. Another huge army left with Karna to assist King Yuvnaswa of Utkal. With such a small amount of army how could she fight against the Datta brothers (Bhagdatt, his brother Bhanudatt who in another scripture was his son, his twin sons Bijaydatt and Bhinaydatt) was the reason of Padma's dilemma.

Supriya was thinking another thing. She had sent a signal to Hastinapur palace for three days and she had got the reply too. With firesticks. She was sending the signal so that Hastinapur could help them. To send ration for the hungry masses. She was sanguine that in Hastinapur at least one could understand her signal. Her elder Jiji Bhanumati. Wife of Duryodhan. At childhood they played often with the signal making. She made a firestick where she clearly write down "Help" in their code language that only Jiji Bhanu could read. She altered the letters in her own way. She, For first two days, did not get any reply. But yesterday night she saw another fire signal on the palace of Hastinapur. It was a relief!!! She knew that Bhanu could decipher her message and help her out immediately. She was waiting patiently for the arrival of the ration.
This was reason of her stress.

On the contrary, Uruvi was worried for Karna. She felt quite drawn to him nowadays. She loved to think of him. His ignorance. His pride. His sadness. His happiness. His pain. His joy. His almost everything. It was not a fault of her pregnancy hormones. She was madly in love with him. Even if she knew that he adored his wife Vrushali and respected his Devi, his Priya more than her, she could not help it. She had chosen him at the Swayambar of Draupadi. At the tender age of five. When a girl could not choose her own playmates, she chose her soul mate. So the anxiety for his well-being was natural on her side. It was the reason of her distress.

"Huh!!" Uruvi sighed softly. She was missing Karna!!!

Supriya, in silence, looked at the face of her baby sister. She knew the signal of missing someone. She understood that Uruvi was missing him!!! A small smile escaped her lips. She was in a congenial mood. To see Uruvi madly in love with him!! Her Aradhya!!! She then tilted her head to Padma who looked more worried than others.

"Jiji!!!" She called for Padma.

No response. Padmavati was thinking deeply about something.

"Jiji!!!" She called again. By putting her right palm on the right shoulder of Padma.

Padma was bending over the railing and thinking of declaring war against Bhagdatt when she sensed a familiar soft feather like touch on her right shoulder. She sharply tilted her head to face Supriya.

"Kya soch rahe ho?!! (What are you thinking about?!!)" Her Su had asked her in shock.

"Kuch nahin. (Nothing much.)" She replied calmly and by putting the head of her baby sister Supriya went away. She had to attend the court of tomorrow. To hear the pleadings of her masses. This wife of Karna was an apt Maharani of her state.

Supriya looked at the direction of Uru who was looking dreamily at the same direction where Karna was fighting with her father Basav. In her thoughts she was present there. She was scared for her father yet she was praying for the win of her husband. It was a kind of mixed feelings for a young girl like her!!! She was sad yet proud too!!!

With a nod of her head Supriya left Uruvi to dwell in her thoughts. This sister of Uruvi knew that at this time of pregnancy a wife loved to think of her husband only!! So she let her stay there!!! But before going she put on a heavy blanket on her baby sister's shoulders so that she did not catch cold!!! You can see yourself how much Supriya cared for her Uruvi!!! Then she in total silence went out of the balcony. She went to the room where her idol of her God was situated now.

Supriya: Suryansh Karna's Devi (Karna Series 3) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat