four .

10 1 3


Biana shut the door behind her as we entered my room.

"Wow, you've decorated it, huh?" She was right. I'd barely lived here for a month and it looked exactly like my old room did.

The only difference was that, of course, Linh always had my safety in mind, so there was an entire-fucking-fountain in the corner of my room. "If you ever need to cool down," She had said.

I nodded.

"It still hurts, doesn't it?"

"Does it ever stop hurting?"

"Fair," Biana said quietly.

We sat in silence, watching the fountain spout out colors. Linh had Dex help out with that part, and Dex knew, so of course, they alternated between pink, white, and orange. Huh, he got the shades right, I thought, impressed. Didn't notice that.

"Anyway, that's not why I'm here." Biana clapped her hands together. "You have a cruuuush!"

Here we go.

"It's really obvious, by the way," Biana said, her voice muffled by the ripplefluffs. "You should marry her." I choked on my Youth.

"Shut up," I croaked. "She's gonna- gonna hear you."

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"

"She's literally dating your brother. She's literally been dating Fitz for like 2 years." I deflated. "She's too straight to like me."

"She could be bi!" Biana exclaimed - then covered her mouth. "Sorry, too loud."

I grunted out a "yes."

"Besides, her and Fitz - they're more like best friends at this point. Best friends that kiss sometimes."

"Did I want to know that?"

"Sorry. It's true though." She looked thoughtful. "She's definitely not straight though. I can see it. They're probably going to break up soon, bet-"

"What about the matches?" I interrupted.

Biana sighed. "I don't know."

"They're definitely on each other's lists, you know."

"That's not necessarily true-"

"And- and they probably didn't put any girls on her list, did they?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen-"

I folded my arms and flopped on my bed. I wanted to cry.

"I've fallen for a straight girl, haha."

Biana hugged me tightly, but pulled away. "You don't know that."

"Yes I do," I mumbled crossly.

Biana muttered something about angry pyrokinetics, then sighed.

"Anyway, topic change. You gotta get your man."

Biana rolled her eyes, but her cheeks were pink. "What do you mean?"

"I mean Tam."


"Yes, Tam Song, emo twin brother of my unrequited love."

"How are you joking about this already? B-but no, I don't like him-" Biana sputtered.

"It's really obvious," I mocked.

"Do I always sound like that?"

"You kind of do."


"No, but really, you gotta tell Tam you like him. He's convinced you and Dex have a secret thing going on."

Biana burst into laughter. "Dex?" She wheezed. "Dex?! As in our favorite gay Dizznee?"

I nodded, and we burst into another fit of laughter. "Noo-"

Someone knocked on the door, and I hollered, "Come in!"

It was Linh. She came and sat on my desk. "What're you guys talking about?"

"Tam," I said, waving my fingers around the air. "Biana likes him."


"Didn't know you could shapeshift into a tomato," I teased as Linh and I laughed at Biana's reddened face.

"Have you guys been secretly shipping us?!" Biana shrieked.

We both nodded.

"Oh yes."

"You guys would win awards for cutest couple."

"My OTP."

They both looked at me quizzically. "It's a human thing," I explained.

"They think of the weirdest things," Linh shook her head.

"I don't think me and Tam would win cutest couple..." Biana said slowly.

"Oh yeah, Sophie and Keefe. They're so cute, I can't-"

"No, not them."

"Then who? Me and Fitz?" Linh looked confused. She looked like a fucking puppy. It was so unfair.

"Mar-" I slapped my hand over Biana's mouth and coughed loudly.

"TIME FOR BIANA TO CONFESS HER UNDYING LOVE FOR A CERTAIN BANGS BOY!" I said loudly, screaming as Biana slapped my hand off her mouth and chased me out of my own room.

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