"No" megumi Shiloh and even nanami said
"Nanamin why did you say no??" Gojo questioned

"I just like disagreeing with you" Nanami hummed making Shiloh and megumi laugh

"Shiloh, could you please help me dry the plates?" Nanami asked, the young girl nodding and following after him
"I'll help" Megumi said getting up

"Huh? You don't even help at home" Gojo said earning a scowl from the boy who was obviously trying to look good infront of Shiloh and her family

"I do, but I only help tsumiki" Megumi stated earning a chuckle from nanami "well your good manners are appreciated" he smiled

"Megumi can I tie your hair in a top not after this? We'll have sort of matching hairstyles" Shiloh smiled

"Okay, but don't make it too tight because I'll become bald" Megumi stated

Eventually the two children fell asleep whilst watching the tv leaving nanami to finish some office work whilst Gojo bothered him, the two flicking through channels whilst discussing the current state of the jujutsu world

"Listen up" Shiloh mumbled "master tengen is me and I am master tengen."

"Hey nanamin, what's Shiloh mumbling?" Gojo asked as the two peered down on the child who was sprawled on the floor next to megumi

"You talk about merger and death as if they're the same but you're sorely mistaken! I will become master tengen but master tengen will also become me!" Shiloh declared in her sleep, Gojo feeling his heart drop

"My will! My heart! Spirit! All will live on after merging!!"

"What the hell?" Nanami said going to wake the girl up only for Gojo to stop him

"I want to stay with everyone a little bit longer" Shiloh spoke, tears falling from her eyes "I want to go to more places and see more things with everyone! More!!"
"Since when was her Japanese that clear?" Nanami mumbled, noticing Gojo had taken of his glasses and was staring at the girl intently

"Yeah, let's go home" Shiloh smiled in her sleep outstretching her hand only for some type of unknown force to wake her up, her breathing was erratic and her eyes were wide, she placed a hand to the side of her head presumably looking for blood only to see none

"I got shot.." she mumbled looking at her hand once more and shrugging, before she could fully doze off again Gojo shook her awake

"Hey shi!!" He said with a sweet smile "You seemed to be having a nice dream"

"What are you doing?" Nanami questioned

"Who were you talking to?" Gojo asked, the child looking around

"Uhm, Riko was talking to Geto" She stated before going back to bed, both nanami and Gojos faces turning pale


"Megumi! You remember Shiloh right?" Gojo said to the now twelve year old megumi who sat on his bed reading a book, memories from his short summer break with the girl flooding into his mind

"Yeah, why?"

"Well..Nanamis bringing her to Japan again!!" Gojo cheered, the dark haired male staring at him with wide eyes
"What day?" He asked trying to sound like he didn't really care
"Tomorrow" Gojo grinned

"You always tell me stuff on the day or the day before" Megumi sighed


"Why am I out here?" Megumi sighed as he stared at the white haired male beside him
"Because!! We're going to meet Shiloh!" Gojo jumped, megumi wishing he would've told his so he'd put more effort into his looks

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