Head Pats

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"Mama... Awake?"

Dabi slowly crept into the blonde's room, clutching his favourite teddy to his chest and his paci in his other hand. Himiko stirred awake at the sound of the boy tip toeing into the room. "Dabi? What time is it?" 

Dabi ignored her question and closed the door behind him before climbing into bed beside her. "What's wrong?"

"Nu uh." He popped his paci in, a clear sign he didn't want to talk anymore.

"Don't wanna talk?" He shook his head. "Cuddles?" He nodded and cuddled into her side. "Ok baby, come on." She pulled him in and wrapped the blanket around them. "Snug as a bug in a rug." she mused, raking a hand through his hair. He nuzzled into it, giggling slightly at the strange phrase. She wasn't quite sure if she should say something to try and comfort him or just wait for him to fall asleep and ask in the morning.

"Bad dream?" Dabi cuddled in closer, ignoring the question. "Ok. Well whatever it is, its alright. I'm right here, kitten. You're safe with me." She continued to run her hands through his hair, something he seemed to like, (she could tell by the way he'd wine and drag her hand back if she stopped).

If Dabi focused enough, he could hear the sound of Himiko's heart beating. Each beat matching each pat of his head. The panic he'd felt moments ago was started to vanish as he focused on everything going on. Himiko giving him a periodic squeeze, or a gentle forehead kiss, or a slight chuckle every time she stopped stroking his hair and he'd move her hand back. 

He liked the feeling. How gentle she was. He'd never let anyone else near him, close enough to touch him the way she did. But she was different. She made him feel safe and calm and she didn't hurt him the way he was used to and expected. She was the opposite. She was what he expected other mother's should be like. She got mad at anyone who hurt him, and she was so gentle when touching him. She'd touch his cheek so carefully, like it might break at any moment, and she'd carefully comb through the knots in his hair as if it'd all be gone if she wasn't as careful as possible. 

Most importantly, she never teased him. 

He could be himself, he could make concerning jokes or not talk for hours or just invite himself into her room for cuddles and she'd let him every time. And she'd always give him head pats.

He liked the head pats the most. The first time she'd done it, he half expected her to hit him. Then she gentle rubbed the top of his head, messing his hair up and as small of an action it was to her, to him it was the world. 

Her hand dragged away from his hair and he pulled it back with a frown. 

"Alright, alright. Just let me check the time, love," se grabbed her phone and blinked at the sudden light before putting it back down and holding him even tighter. Usually he might find the pressure uncomfortable or weird, but right now it was just what he needed. She was right there, even if his eyes were closed and he couldn't see her. He could feel her. It was comforting.

He felt one hand reach back up to run through his hair again, while the other drew silly circles and stars across his shoulder and back. It tickled, but in a good way. He focused his attention on the touch, hardly noticing himself slowly drifting back to sleep.

Himiko noticed though. But she didn't stop. She continued to draw shapes across his shoulder, occasionally spelling out words and sentences like "I love you." It didn't matter if he knew what she was spelling, because she knew. And he knew she loved him either way. Her hand ran through his hair, slow and continuous until his breathe slowed and a slight snore escaped his lips. She kissed his forehead softly. "I love you, kitten." she whispered, before going back to sleep herself, still holding her sweet baby tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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